An Obnoxious Admirer

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   While things were shaking up between your thoughts about your mother, the turtles were focused on figuring out the big mystery about the Kraang and frankly, that meant you were too. Donnie had finished making this incredibly sweet ride out of an old, rusty subway car, which of course, Mikey proudly named the Shellraiser.

   It was nice, considering it looked like crap before. The inside was even cooler. It had all these gadgets and gizmos all over the place, which you could tell Donnie was excited to tell you about.

   Everyone went to drive it around to test it out, and needless to say, you had a blast. It was fast, intense, and powered you with a surge of adrenaline. The only disappointment was that Donnie didn't have a specific station for you like he did for your brothers. His reasoning was that you weren't always a part of the missions because of your new commitment to school. It was understandable, but you wanted to feel useful. Leo was the driver, Raphael was in charge of weapons, Mikey was the navigator, and Donnie took care of the technicalities and the Kraang power cell.

   To compromise, he had you on standby for navigation and weapons in case Raphael or Mikey became incapacitated. 

   -That's fair, I guess,- you thought.

    Things were going pretty well, all until the turtles passed the Purple Dragons dragging equipment from inside a company building. Everyone looked at each other with a big smirk.

   "Purple Dragons? This night just keeps getting better and better!" Leo exclaimed.

   "Oh yeah! It's like candy for my knuckles... and tonight's Halloween,"

   "I can't wait to kick their ass!" You stood up from your seat and got ready to fight, but Donnie stopped you.

   "Hold on, you shouldn't,"

   "What? Why not? The Purple Dragons deserve it! Besides, they're stealing and—"

   "And your arm still hasn't healed enough. Just stay in here for now. If anything happens, you can help."

   You sat back in your seat and crossed your arms grumpily, watching your brothers start towards the exit, but stopped when they saw someone stop Fong in his tracks on the monitor. It was like a movie! A guy out of nowhere, in a weird suit, confronted the Purple Dragons. At first, he seemed like he was going to be a total badass and take them all out at once like a hero -he was even had a superhero name, "the Pulverizer" but he ended up getting a full on beat down. Your brothers went outside to help.

   The Pulverizer kept getting in the way a lot during the fight, which led to Fong having his perfect escape. You exited the Shellraiser to chase him down, but as you were getting into sprint, the Pulverizer pushed you out of the way.

   "Watch out!" he exclaimed.

   You rolled over the curb and slammed your fist on the ground in anger. Mikey had almost captured Fong with his kusarigama, then the Pulverizer got in the way, which had him chained for a brief moment. You sat up from the curb and let out a burst of anger.

   "What the hell?? I could've gotten him! Why on Earth would you just push me, dingus?!"

   "I didn't know you were running after him. I'm sorry." He held a gloved hand out to help you up before getting rejected by you standing on your own.

   Now that you had a closer look at him, you could see the features of his face and suit. His suit looked rubbery and it was like a big skin tight turtle costume. He had red wraps around his joints in his limbs and a belt. He was a little chubby, had brown eyes under some tufts of black hair sticking out from his hood, and a little rounded nose.

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