The Fear in Your Blood

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   You wandered New York with your brother Leo, patrolling for signs or Kraang or Foot. You were trying to figure out what was up with you and what Doctor Falco had shown you at the lab. It was curious to think, you had the power to make people delusional... to some extent.

   The cast on your arm was supposed to come off in 3 days or so, which meant it was finally safe for you to go out with the guys for patrol and to be on your own. You definitely wanted to train your ability but didn't exactly know how. Falco was the only source of information you really had.

   "(Y/n), whaddya think?"


   Your ideas came to a pause when Leo interrupted them. "For a little warm up, we have the Purple Dragons over there robbing a store, whaddya think?"

   "Oh, oh! Yeah, good idea," you brushed yourself off and followed them down to the closed convenience store.

   It looked like the conveniece store was falling apart and didn't have a security system worth shit, so it made sense why they were robbing it. You hopped down carefully along the wall, landing and walking over.

   "Hey Fong, what are you doing there? That money looks heavy, maybe you should let me carry it. Better yet... Give it to Leo,"

   Leo jumped down from the building so you two surrounded the Purple Dragons.

   "Didn't I break your arm a while back, sweetheart?"

   "Actually, it was just a fracture,"

   "I can fracture it again if you step any closer," He grinned.

   "What makes you think I'm going to let that happen?" Leo stepped closer with his fists drawn.

   The Purple Dragons flinched at Leo, which annoyed you because you wanted to be just as intimidating.

   "So, what's it going to be? You wanna get beaten to a pulp or just walk away?" You took out your tessen and got ready for a fight, knowing that they were stubborn as hell.

   They glared at you and Leo and made the first punch; Fong specifically. You dodged his swing and saw Leo taking on Sid. You used the momentum of Tsoi charging towards you to direct him into Fong, which gave you a moment to try what you've been meaning to try.

   You focused only on Sid for a moment, finding inside you, claustrophobia. Soon, you saw the buildings closing in only with you and Sid. It scared you a little, because you felt like you were about to be swallowed up.

   Sid backed away from Leo. "What's goin' on?!"

   You were about to drive him crazy, but from behind Fong attacked you, putting his arms around your neck and squeezing on your windpipe. You fought back and shoved him into a wall, kicking him in the head.

   You heard Tsoi from afar, throwing a knife at you, but you dodged in time for it to not to hit directly. It did slide against your arm, cutting through your clothing, but it was better than getting it straight in the chest. Leo managed to knock out Fong and you went to disarm Tsoi of his throwing knives.

   It took a lot of time but they finally gave up on robbing the place, so they started saying things like, "Alright, we'll go,"

   They had to carry Fong away, who was slowly coming to as they started walking away empty handed.

   "What happened?" Leo came up behind you and touched your shoulder.


   "During that fight, you completely zoned out. That's something you shouldn't ever do in a fight. Are you okay?"

   "I'm sorry Leo, I just got distracted,"

   "You're not getting scared about them, are you? Because of when they tried to..."

   "No... it's not that. I was trying something," You touched your neck where you were choked and sighed, "A technique I guess you could say,"

   "You know you shouldn't experiment in a real fight. At least try at home first. How's your arm?"

   "Not as strong. I feel like one arm is really tough and the other's really weak. It's weird,"

   "Well, why don't we go home? You can tell me about your technique,"

   You crossed your arms and followed Leo home through the sewers. You looked at your hands as you walked in the dark with him, slightly shaky. You still couldn't believe that power that you had was real. Sid was afraid because of you. You were the very reason for his trembling hands, his wide eyes, and every bead of sweat that ran down his face.

   "(Y/n), what is going on with you?"

   He stopped you from walking and you looked at his deep blue eyes. "Leo... You know how... Victor Falco is my biological father?"
   "Yeah, of course," He leaned against the wall, tuned into every word you were saying.

   "He... He liked to test on me. My mom didn't know about it, but he tried to use a weird... It's hard to explain. It's like a fungus I guess? It induces scary hallucinations, but it was like a 'vaccine' version so I didn't get scared... I was trying to channel fear into Sid... and it worked,"

   "So when... I don't understand,"

   "You'll understand. Look at me. Don't be too scared. Remember, it's not real,"

   You put all of your focus on Leo and tried to use the fear of fire, pyrophobia. You closed your eyes and the moment you opened them, the sewer didn't change in temperature, but it had a warm feeling. Flames surrounded you both and the sound of the fire cracking induced the anxiety into you.

   You were terrified, so you stopped the illusion and hugged Leo -even though you knew it wasn't real. Leo hugged you back and watched the flames go away.

   "How... How do you do that?"

   "It's hard to explain. It's a lot of me thinking about a certain fear or scenario and on another person's mind. It's a process and I... I was trying to do it on Sid. I'm sorry, I should've focused,"

   "I mean... it's no problem. I can take the Purple Dragons anyway, but I can't risk you getting hurt again if you're not fighting back. Come on, lets go home,"

   You nodded and followed Leo back into the sewers home. Every time you thought about how you could put fears into other's heads, you wouldn't even believe yourself half the time it was so surreal.

   Maybe this was a good way to go through your fears. Raph called Leo "fearless" as a joke, but you almost never see him as fazed as others would've been. You weren't quite sure if you were amazed or concerned for Leo when it came to it. Come to think of it, you and Leo never personally talked.

   There was definitely more to learn about him.


   Honestly didnt know how to end this chapter but I wanted to give a little love to Leo! I dont usually know what to do with him so im going to challenge myself!

   Anyway, love yourself, be kind, see ya

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