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Ah yes, training. Nothing out of the ordinary. You had some breakfast, a good stretch, and a good warmup. Now was the time to practice those kicks put it was a little difficult considering the pains in your abdomen. It didn't stop you of course, you fought through the pain until training was over. You didn't perfect your kick just yet, but you sure got down some punches.

The pain was still there...

Maybe it was something you ate. Maybe Dad found some nasty expired food uptop and a little freshening up would do the trick. You headed to the bathroom feeling a weird gushing feeling between you legs, making you rush. You headed to the toilet, pulled down your pants and sat down.

The first thing you noticed was the blood.

Your mind began racing and screaming. Was something wrong? Is this how you die? Why are you bleeding in such an ungodly place?

Panic met your throat as you immediately started screaming at the top pf your lungs.

"Daaaaaaad! Brothers! DAD I THINK I'M DYING!

They hurried and banged on the door,


"I-I'm bleeding!"

You cleaned up as much as you could with toilet paper, unlocking the door but not opening it.

"S-Stop banging! You're scaring me!"

Splinter came in and said,

"It's okay... It's okay. Where are you bleeding, my child?"

"It's between the legs. Dad, am I gonna die? I don't want to die; I love you too much. I'm scared,"

"Internet to the rescue!" Donnie said, running over to the lab where the computer was to search the web for answers.

Splinter stood with you and helped you clean up, getting you some new clothes and telling you to take a bath while the turtles were learning about puberty. Splinter explained some things with you about growing up, becoming a woman and why you are indeed NOT dying.

"It's only part of life, (Y/n). I knew it was coming, but I didn't think it was going to be today... You really are growing up. Don't worry, you're not dying. Your body is just getting ready for when you grow into a woman. This is for the future if you ever decide that you want to have children, your body will be ready. I'll explain more in a bit... for now, we want someting to stop the blood,"

You nodded, wiping a tear and trying to calm yourself down.

Meanwhile, the turtles were looking online: "Why do girls bleed in their private parts?". They found a site and felt scared, other than Donnie who was absolutely fascinated by the biology. Mikey couldn't see the diagrams or the words or anything, because his brothers were blocking the way. They didn't want to "traumatize" him. He grew stubborn and forced his way through.

"I wanna know what's happening to my sister!"

He bopped them on the head and saw the diagram that was on the screen. His face was absolutely horrified by the uterus photos and the naked women. Raph immediately turned off the computer.

"That's enough of that!"

Donnie looked around for the first aid kit and found something that was extremely absorbent, but not quite a menstrual pad. Hey, it did the job until Splinter could find a way to get something better for you.

"Here, this will keep it from getting everywhere," Donnie peered in, closing his eyes so he wouldn't see you bloody and well... naked, although you just finished getting dressed.

"Thanks Donnie. I'm still scared. I don't like this whole 'period' thing,"

"Well, it's okay to be scared. Just remember, we'll be here for you."



"Did you know I have four of the coolest brothers on the planet?"

"Yes, they'll be much 'cooler' when I actually explain this to them. Come to the dojo, my sons,"

(If yes, sorry.)

Cheerio, Taco Cocoa Kitty Cat... GO!

Sister Hamato: TMNT Sister StoryWhere stories live. Discover now