𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐 - 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒓

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Aurora woke up with a start, Alina hovering over her and shaking her figure in an attempt to wake Aurora up

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Aurora woke up with a start, Alina hovering over her and shaking her figure in an attempt to wake Aurora up. Aurora had fallen asleep laying in the grass and only woke when she heard two drunk men stumble over her in an attempt to reach their tent.

To say that Alina was freaking out would be an understatement, but everyone who knew Aurora well enough knew that she was sometimes in another world, gazing out like she had lived hundreds of lives, little did they know, she had.

But after a few more hours in her dusty, falling to pieces army issued bed, if it could qualify as one, Aurora was awoken with the news that today she and Mal would be crossing the fold, the looks that every cartographer was giving her was reminder enough.

Waking up in a cold tent after hours of restless sleep in a scrape of wood and fabric called a bed made her wish for the luxuries of being Queen of Narnia. What she would do to wake up in a plush bed with a bath waiting for her, the sunbathing her in the late morning heat, waking up with his arms surrounding her waist.

Instead, she found a rat crawling out of her cup, she drank from that cup and some sometimes made cleaning it more dirty, but that was the First Army for you.

Great today she was most likely going to die, and she can't even have her tea.

Not the honey-infused tea with leaves imported from around the world of Narnia, that was her favourite, instead, she couldn't even have her 'whatever she could scrap together to throw into some boiling water and call it tea' tea.

Now that her short morning routine of waking up and having her tea was interrupted, there was no point denying the obvious, and the waking reminder of Mal standing outside the tent with Alina was enough to get Aurora out and ready.

Crossing the Fold.

As most of the cartographers and Mal were leaving the tent when they were almost trampled by a carriage. A fancy black carriage, housing the famous General Kirigan or Black General as he was known in the First Army.

"Is it him?" Alina questions the group, although it seemed to be more of a general statement than a question. Or at least that's what Aurora hoped because she didn't know anyone else that was famous for a giant black carriage involved in the army, she really did hope Alina was stating that.

One of the other cartographer's comments on him 'gracing is with his presence' and that he must 'really believe the new skiff was going to work'. Aurora sure hoped so, she wasn't sure she could die, but that didn't mean she wasn't scared shitless.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As Aurora and Mal boarded the new skiff, nerves were at an all-time high. It's not like Aurora didn't like Alina and Mal, they had been some of the closest friends she had in years. But this didn't feel right.

Mal attempting to crack jokes to defuse the tension was not working at all. If anything it made Aurora want to stab him before the volcra got the chance, but that was a bit graphic.

But then again she didn't have any tea today, so everything is fair in love and war.

Boarding death's door, and not feeling like you were leaving anyone, was the worst Aurora had felt in all her years. She wasn't leaving him, only his memories. Mal had Alina to leave his heart to. Aurora had no one.

Aurora had left her heart with him in Narnia. While Aurora had grown to love this world, it was never home.

She had lived in castles, and camped out in the stars, she had been a queen and a barmaid. Every second without him felt wasted, there was no point to anything if she didn't have him to tell at the end of the day. Home wasn't a place it was him and his arms.

Hearing the news that the rest of the cartographers would be travelling on this skiff should've affected her more. At this point she had accepted death, maybe it would bring her to him.

It did pull on her heart to see Mal and Alina, their hearts so intertwined, mostly likely being crushed before the chance to bloom.

As one of the Grisha instructed the people aboard the skiff as it pushed into the darkness, Aurora only filled her head with thoughts of him.

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