𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑𝟒- 𝒄𝒓𝒚𝒂

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The pain of childbirth was not a pain Aurora was prepared from

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The pain of childbirth was not a pain Aurora was prepared from. She had kicked Aleksander out of the room three times al2ready.

The last nine hours had been absolute hell.

But she finally registered why all those mums cried about the wet little alien in their arms. The feeling of having your child on your chest was the happiest feeling in the world.

Aleksander just stood over his wife and baby girl in absolute awe. They had created an angel.


All Aleksander could do was nod, he had witnessed the last nine hours and saw the amount of pain through his and Aurora's connection.

When the after birth came, and Crya was confirmed to be all healthy the healers and midwives left the room, leaving the couple and their new child.

The second the door shut Aleksander burst into tears, tears of happiness and hope.

Aleksander moved to sit on the bed next to his exhausted wife, letting her head fall to his shoulder. Wrapping his arm around his wife and child, filled him with a new sense of wonder and protectiveness.

He had long understood why men went to war for their wives. But now he understood the true desire to be a father.

Watching as his daughter wrapped he tiny hands around his finger filled him with true joy. His heart was so broken and rusted that Aleksander thought it could only fit Aurora in it. How wrong he was.

Aurora slowly let sleep overtake her. An hour later she woke up to Crya's crying. Aleksander was bouncing her lightly on his chest but looked so overwhelmed that it made Aurora giggle.

When he heard her giggle his face instantly reacted with a smile, albeit a little stressed smile.

That's when the new parents realised they had no idea how to probably raise a child, they read all the books their mind could fit but that didn't prepare them for the real thing.

Luckily at this moment Baghra came to look at her grandchild. Opening the door and taking in the scene with the crying child in a panicking Aleksander and an exhausted Aurora she immediately picked the child off Aleksander and the child instantly quieted.

She looked to Aurora, "Crya Morovoza"

"So I have a granddaughter. Finally, men in the Morovoza tend to be idiots. Speaking of which boy, you have so much to learn, Aurora did all the hard stuff now stop looking like a blind pigeon and take care of your child probably"

"What do I do?"

This is the first time her son has asked her for help in centuries.

"Come over here boy"

Baghra had never seen her son look so nervous, nervous but happy. As she taught him how to take care of the child and quieten the child so Aurora could get some well-deserved rest, she couldn't help but reminisce on her and her husband taking care of baby Aleksander"

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