𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑𝟎 - 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅

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Aleksander knew something was off all day, he had been feeling dizzy and a little lightheaded

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Aleksander knew something was off all day, he had been feeling dizzy and a little lightheaded. But he had been running a country, he put this down to exhaustion. He might not be able to die but that didn't mean he couldn't feel tired.

Lately, Aleksander had been waking up in the middle of the night for nightmares, visions of pushing the fold too far, seeing the darkness covering Aurora. Never getting to greet her in this life, all because of his greed.

But tonight was different, his exhaustion sent him straight to bed. He thought that his exhaustion would keep away these nightmares.

They did not.

Instead, this nightmare was more vivid than any before, it started as normal. Watching his greed and misplaced ambition take over him, watching as he got a glimpse of Aurora, watching as she screams as a volcra takes her into the fold. But it did not just end there, she was thrown back over into the sun, her lifeless body right underneath him. The sight haunted him.

When he woke up, always with a start, he expected to be in his bed with Aurora asleep next to him as usual.

Today he was not. Instead, he found himself tied to a pole in a dark room, he recognised it as one of the cellulars from the Grand Palace to the Little Palace.

The room was bland and unused, with a few empty bottles, scattery the floor. A single candle lit the room. If he was normal he wouldn't be able to see the Fjerdan in the corner of the room.

But he wasn't normal, the darkness was his friend, his hands were tied together, the stupid Fjerdan thought that two cuffs could stop the Darkling. How little they knew.

But escaping was not his main priority, his priority was Aurora. Where was his sun?

The Fjerdan seemed to notice his state at this point, his thick accent and furs, tall and broad body and blond hair just confirmed how Fjerdan this man is. Aleksander observed the three wolves on his furs, this man was powerful and high in Fjerdan.


His thick accent paired with the stinging pain in Aleksanders head made it difficult for him to understand what he was saying. Most of it seemed to be cursing him and all 'Grisha witches'. But what did make his head through up was when he stated that "His little wife will be burnt like the witch she is, but we need you, unfortunately".

Aleksander knew war techniques, he knew all of them. He knew the proper technique is to act indifferent, don't show the power they had over him.

However this was Aurora, he was not known to be calm and indifferent when Aurora was involved. He would go to war for her and win.

Because losing wasn't an option.

He had enough of the Fjerdan after that statement. No one got to point out the foot difference between him and Aurora, she might be 5'1. But she hated when people pointed that out. That was his job.

He broke from his cuffs and used the cut on this stupid man. His wife wasn't that short anyway.

While Caspian would've stormed off right into battle, and no matter him much Aleksander wanted to sit that, that was not an option. He needed to think and have a plan.

First, he made himself vomit, whatever drug they used was wearing off but this would ensure that he got all traces out of his system.

Next, he used his shadows to hide him, they most likely had guards out the front.

But before he could do that he was going to try using his and Aurora's connection, they were always so close to each other that they didn't have a need for the call connection.

But now he needed to find where his sun was and who was keeping her there. For future reference obviously, it had been a while since he tortured anyone.

But anyone who dared to touch a single hair on Aurora's body wasn't going to have any hands left to touch after he was finished with them.

As he gathered the very strings that connected their souls and called upon them, a faint light flowed in his hands, in his veins. It was truly a sight, one that remained him of his sun, it made his heartache.

Time to slaughter every Fjerdan.

As the connection opened up, he was met with a sight that would hunt him. Aurora tied to a pole. Bloodied and brushed. Her eyes were going in and out of like she wasn't fully awake. Even though she was the only one that could see him, she could only manage a small lift of her lips.

The sight angered him so much he almost burst, but it made his heartache. To see Aurora, his sun. The nicest person in the world, who did everything to be good. Being tortured like a criminal.

He was so wrapped in Aurora that he almost didn't notice what room they were in.

It was the throne room.

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