𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟕 - 𝒄𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅

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When Aleksander woke in the morning, with his arms wrapped around Aurora as she called herself, he felt complete

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When Aleksander woke in the morning, with his arms wrapped around Aurora as she called herself, he felt complete.

Today she would start her training with Baghra, he was nervous that she would attempt to ruin their relationship. But Aurora had reacted somewhat ok after hearing his explanation of his actions, although she did slap him and use quite a few unsavoury words that she must have picked up on in her time in the First Army.

The King must have heard the news of the Sun Summoner by now. That means he would want Aurora to be 'presented' to him. He would kill him without a thought if he even looked at her in a perverted sense.

His thoughts were interrupted with the best kind of interruption. Aurora was stirring from sleep. She did always wake up later than him and always woke up by scrunching her nose. To say he fell more in love at that moment would be a lie, it was physically impossible.

"Hi" a content Aurora turned around to face Aleksander, still wrapped in his arms. Both naked. She blushed with modesty when she remembered.

A cocky grin was planted on Aleksanders face.

How he had missed her. And that blush

"Are you sure you can walk?"

"Oh please, it might have been a while but your not that good"

"I was talking about your leg but I think we both know that the second statement is a lie"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

To say the Grisha main dining area was bursting with excitement to see their new sun summoner would be an understatement. Grisha of all ages knew the theory behind sun summoners but never thought they would get the opportunity to see one in real life.

They however were not prepared to see the Darkling, a man of few emotions, laughing to his heart content as he helped a limping girl to the head of the tables where a new seat had been added. The girl dressed in a first army uniform, having half her weight carried by leaning on the Dark General.

Most people assumed that the Darkling and a sun summoner would have a connection. But no one could prepare them for this.

They had never seen their general so happy. Or with emotions other than blank looks or anger. Instead, they were greeted with a smile and a laugh. A laugh was so hearty that his head actually tipped back in laughter.

The girl herself, Aurora Popov did look like pure sunshine. Golden hair with brown eyes of honey. The man was pale skin with black hair.

Two opposites. The sun and the moon.

But no one could say that they didn't like this General. One that smiled and joked.

Aurora did seem to be the sun. Not just in her looks, her entire demeanour seemed to light up the room. A smile that sent crying children into smiles. And with a laugh that was so contagious that not even stone-cold Ivan could resist quirking his lips a bit.

When they settled at the head of the table. Everyone could see the power they posed. Everyone knew how powerful the Darkling was, and how powerful in theory the sun summoner would be. But seeing them together in front of the room, they looked like a King and a Queen. Little did they know they were.

They both acted like it as well, if you looked closely you could see the perfect posture, the right spoon was chosen for breakfast. Innocent things separately, but when put into the context that this was a first army soldier who had never seen the luxuries of the Little Palace.

Ivan and Feydor did, as the Generals seconds in command, they were trained to notice.

The notices when the Darkling made her tea, adding honey without asking if she took any. They noticed when she cut his sandwich into triangles, keeping the crust. They knew to do this because they had breakfast with him every morning, they had travelled and camped with him.

She had not. Yet she was here acting like she was married to the man. And had been for years. She did fear him, even though in theory she was his equal, she hadn't even been trained yet.

And yet as they talked across from each other as if nothing was amiss and this was just another day in their normal life. They completely ignored the dead silent room, silent with shock.

Seeing the Darkling acting like a husband or just a normal person?

What was this? Ivan was going to find out.

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