𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐𝟖 - 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒔

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Aurora had one main goal, that goal was to help Genya and David

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Aurora had one main goal, that goal was to help Genya and David. How she had no idea. David was this awkward mess of nerves and a social disaster, and Genya was this kind, caring and extroverted goddess. Aurora had never wanted a couple to get together more.

With the wars coming to an end, hopefully, Grisha populations had severely decreased. Aurora had convinced Aleksander to allow the Grisha couples to room together and get married if they wished.

The idea of seeing little Genya's and David's running around was just a little too tempting for Aurora. And Genya's confidence always seemed to drop and be replaced with nerves when David walked in.

So as Aurora demanded that she get a tour of the Materials rooms, Genya just had to accompany her as her best friend. Aurora was always in awe of what Grisha's could do. She appreciated being a sun summoner greatly, but other than destroying the fold and helping plants photosynthesis, she was kinda useless.

But seeing the incredible creations that material could accomplish blew her mind. The other orders as well, seeing them all come together to create this amazing group of people astounded her.

But watching David and Genya's awkward flirting as she and the rest of the material watch, all rooting for them. Life felt good. Aleksander and her had been back to Narnia once, a now permanent portal in one of their previously unused chambers. Aleksander was dealing with politics.

Aurora couldn't find anything to complain about, well maybe about the fact that David just spilt a dangerous chemical on Genya with his nervous hands. But Genya seemed to blush at this even harder, further proof that she needed to get them together before any more dangerous chemicals can be split.

Maybe she should lock them in a room and force them to be confused, it worked with Mal and Alina. Then again David did seem like the claustrophobic type. Maybe she should ask Aleksander, or Baghra, who was surprisingly very invested in the Grisha relationships. Aurora and Baghra had become a gossiping duo, much to Aleksanders dismay.

That lady knew everything about everyone, and Aurora needed to get David and Genya together by the end of the month or else she was going to have to clean Baghra's gardens.

Speaking of gardens, Aurora and Aleksander had figured out Aslan's gift to them. Controlling nature. It seemed to be very useful for Aleksander's politics.

But Aurora's current job, along with every other materialki was to get Genya and David together, they had organised running into each other while crossing paths, which resulted in David falling on Genya panicking and making his hair bright purple, it honestly wasn't a bad look. Another failed attempt to get them together was a friend's double date. Unfortunately, Aurora and Aleksander were busy, in their favourite task, fucking. But they lead to one successful dinner between Genya and David, the server Aurora had spying on them said that they sat in awkward silence for twenty minutes, but after that, they seemed to pick up a conversation.

Aurora better be a bridesmaid at the wedding after all the things she's done.

It seemed like a lot of the Grisha were taking advantage of the new couple rule, Aurora had never seen the common room so empty.

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