𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟐 - 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅

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His lips slammed onto hers and she herself was slammed against the door of his chambers

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His lips slammed onto hers and she herself was slammed against the door of his chambers. He wanted to tell her how breathtaking she looked in that dress, but now he wanted to rip it off.

His lips attacked her throat, he did always love marking her. He let out a moan when she did it back by gripping his hair to give her access to his neck.

He was very glad that he had dismissed the guards at the door, he was going to make her scream tonight. Pay for all the teasing looks she gave him from across the room. All night little touches as they made their way around the room.

He had been hard for most of the night. Now she would pay

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The next morning as they both walked to breakfast, Aurora let out a gasp right before entering. Aleksander quickly turned to look at what had startled her, only to find her cheeks blushing mad. He was confused at what would have made her blush, he hoped it was no one else.

She quickly pulled him into one of the coves in the palace, looking him dead in the eye "your kefta doesn't cover my marks". All he did at this was raise his eyebrows and smirk.

"Embarrassed by everyone officially knowing we sleep together?" he teased her, always towering over her with his annoyingly tall body, one that had many marks on it.

Aurora, always the ruler, fitted with a quick wit and the only one with the ability to match his "more embarrassed for you, now everyone will know-how, now what do they call it in the army how" she paused for a moment in fake thought "ahh yes pussy whipped you are for me"

With that she walked away, leaving a stunned Aleksander who followed her into breakfast a bit behind her after recovering from her quick wit.

He loved that she challenged him, no one had in many years.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Ever the rulers they were. Aleksander and Aurora were currently in the war room figuring out the best thing to do with the fold.

Aurora wanted to banish the stupid thing, or at least make a path through, Aleksander wanted to expand it.

Even as Aurora was cursing him and throwing the mini diagram of the fold at him, Aleks couldn't help but stare longingly at his 'ex-wife', he really did need to propose. She wouldn't settle for anything less than the normal experience, even getting down on one knee.

He vowed to never get on his knees for anyone, but for her, he gladly would.

She was truly his equal, challenging him at every step, making sure he did right by not just all Grisha but Ravka as well.

The in question was currently hiding behind a black curtain, using the black silk fabric to imitate a volcra.

"maybe this is why they think your a volcra reincarnated as a human, that impression was spot on"

That made her stop her impression, look him dead in the eyes and begin to chase him. As she caught up to him around the room, she began to hit him with her fist.

"you did not just call me a volcra", hitting him with a hit every word.

After Aurora was content with her pride intact and Aleksander's severely diminished, after all his pride did need to go down a notch, they continued planning about the fold.

Eventually falling asleep on an armchair. Aleksander woke up with a sore neck and when he opened his eyes he was greeted with his 'ex-wife' snuggled into his lap, the morning sun lighting up her features.

He looked across the room and the damaged fold model. He knew that if she seriously asked him to make the fold smaller, he would do it in a heartbeat for her.

He would do anything for her in a heartbeat.

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