𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟖 - 𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒅

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Training with Baghra had been interesting, the women would go from telling embarrassing stories of Aleksander to singing about how he was distracting the girl

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Training with Baghra had been interesting, the women would go from telling embarrassing stories of Aleksander to singing about how he was distracting the girl.

But Aleksander himself was distracted, redoing the Grand Palace, updating treaties. Ruling a country was busywork. And Aurora and he were still at odds about the fold. They had decided to create a path in the middle for transport, but Ravka would control it. And the resources made would benefit the prospering economy.

No one could find fault in Darklings politics.

Aurora's sun summoning skills were now powerful enough to create a path in the fold, so that's what theory was currently doing.

Aurora was excited to be heading back to Kirbisk and seeing Mal and Alina. She prayed to the saints that Mal and saw some sense or she was going to knock it in him. She didn't care if she had to drag him into her tent and lock them in until he told her his feelings.

Aleksander and Aurora were currently headed to Kribisk, in his black carriage.

Him and his aesthetics.

Aurora was teasing him about what happened the first time she was in the fold and discovered she didn't remember the ride to the Little Palace. Teasing him was always her favourite activity. She was the only one that could make him blush so hard the tips of his ears were red.

"Zoya told me that you ran to me like actually ran to me"

Aleksander just sighed but Aurora could see the slight blush on his cheeks.

He just rebutted, "Well I thought I had heard your laugh the night before so I was on edge and then a supposed sun summoner was found in the fold, and then I saw your hair. And I just knew it was you"

"Aww you're getting better at wooing me"

At that he let a smile overtake his features, one reserved for her and the Narina's who remembered him. But they weren't here, she was.

"Well it has been centuries since I tried to 'woo' someone"

Now, this sparked Aurora's interest.

"Really I thought you would have had many wives by now"

That made a frown grow on Aleksadners face. "No, I am married to you" a pointed look came across Aurora's face. "Or least I was, I would never marry anyone other than you"

That made a smile grace Auroras features "Good, otherwise, I would be very jealous, now scooch over I want to sleep on your shoulder"

And she did just that, Aleksander attempted to catch up on his Kingly duties. Doing paperwork in a moving carriage while trying not to interrupt a sleeping Aurora was proving to be quite hard.

When they arrived at camp, Aurora was still in a deep slumber.

She was always a heavy sleeper

Aleksander thought with a fond smile, looking down at the girl in his arms. He loved her so much, it sometimes felt as if his heart was going to burst.

She would be mad that he didn't wake her when they arrived so she could greet her friends, but that was a problem for morning Aleksander. Current Aleksander just wanted to curl up next to his 'girlfriend', he still doesn't know what labels Aurora wants from him.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The best morning Aurora woke with a start, she looked around her surroundings, Aleks had his arms wrapped around her waist.

She realised they were in Kribisk, they had arrived and the bastard hadn't woken her. She did the most politically accurate and acceptable thing to do to her moon. Slap him.

"Ouch." the pout on his face, paired with his morning voice made it really hard for Aurora to be annoyed at him.

She quickly got up and was ready to find her friends, despite Aleksander's protests to stay in bed longer. She might not be a morning person but the idea of seeing the true first friends she had made in centuries was too good to pass up.

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