𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 - 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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Aleksander always slept on the left side of the bed, and centuries of pattern and routine was hard to break, yet Crya loved sleeping on his chest. It seemed the only way to get the girl to calm down.

Yet the sun did not rise on the left side, and Crya loved waking up with the sun.

Well, with the sun in the sky, Aurora still needed Aleksander to drag her out of bed, or she would never leave.

So changing his side of the bed in order to comfort his daughter was a no brainer. Aleksander just should've thought about doing it before his wife fell asleep on the right side of the bed.

Instead of waking up Aurora and asking her to move or gradually push her over, Aleksanders sleep riddle brain decided to lunge her over his shoulder and then place her on his side of the bed.

However, in doing this, he failed to realize that luging someone over your shoulder would probably result in waking them up. And that's what happened, Aurora woke up on someone's shoulder in the middle of the night.

Naturally, her first reaction was to kick them where the sun don't shine. Only when Aleksander collapsed on the ground did she realize it was her husband. And this commotion woke up Crya.

So if you were to walk into the King and Queens chambers you would see the King on the ground clutching his parts hunched over in pain, his wife the Queen laughing so hard she was crying and an actual crying baby.

Quite a scene for the leaders of Ravka.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aleksander was panicking, Aurora wanted to spend time with Genya, Alina and Zoya. All he had to do was watch over Crya, just like he had done a million times.

However he got caught up in his book and now couldn't find Crya, they were on his floor in his office for an indoor picnic. One moment Crya was playing with the wooden blocks, the next she seemed to disappear into thin air.

Aurora was going to kill him.

How could he lose his daughter? She certainly had Caspian's sense of adventure.

After twenty minutes of searching, he really began panicking he even roped the guards stationed at the door to help look for Crya.

One of the guards was looking around the bookcases, the other was looking around the papers, and Aleksander was on his knees searching around his desk.

That was the moment Aurora walked in on, it was clear that Aleksander had lost Crya. What the mighty King and Darkling forgot was that his daughter was a shadow and a sun summoner.

Crya was currently testing out her latest unconscious skill, flying.

She was hovering around Aleksanders offices.

"Aww there is my baby, look at you floating, I am so proud"

That made Aleksander stop his search and look at Aurora holding Crya.

His face told it all.

He bribed the guards not to tell a soul.

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