𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐𝟏 - 𝒂𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒐

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Aurora was weak, Aleksndasr was weak

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Aurora was weak, Aleksndasr was weak.

The combination of her new powers and his amplification to create a crack in the fold drained a lot of energy.

A vital amount of energy so has the two layed, collapsed on the sand, faint surges of lights and shadows danced around their masters. Like excited dogs on a leash.

The sight was truly incredible, unfortunately, no one was there to see it. While crowds of people had begun rushing into this new path, crossing the fold on foot still took a long time.

That was a blessing as the people of Ravka, both first and second army would be confused to see a giant, mighty lion in the middle of a fold.

Circling the sun and moon.

But as the light and shadows seemed to get dull and the people got close the lion disappeared. But not before being witnessed, by the moon king and a slighted creature, born from the melted ice of Narnia. A scorned ocean, ready to create a storm.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Alina and Mal rushed into the fold, crowds filling after them. Entering the fold felt wrong like you were disturbing the calm, even if the fold was anything but calm.

As they reached Aurora, Alina screamed when she saw her friend. Aurora was crumbled on the floor, a halo of light covering her and the King. Both on the ground, while Alina didn't trust the man, there was nothing that prepared her to see the 'all powerful' King on the ground.

It reminded her of the Moon King, stolen from the Sun Queen by the ocean. There was sand here but no ocean.

Or so she thought.

What she was not expecting to see was the King wake up, confusion seemed to cross his face, but in a flash, it was gone. Instead, a face of instant concern crossed over when he took in Aurora's state.

He seemed to sense the upcoming arrival of people, shouting for a healer as he carefully took Aurora in his arms.

Alina had seen men look at Aurora before, she was extremely beautiful and charismatic. She had seen men look at her with lust and hunger, even love.

But she had never seen anyone look at Aurora as she saw the King look at her. He looked at her as if she was pure sunshine, the only thing that would light up his life.

Right now he looked so concerned for her, not just a man concerned that he had lost his game, or lost his pawn.

It looked like he had lost light, and that his days would be dark. Never to be lit by her again.

Alina watched as the King carried Aurora into his carriage that had arrived and ordered the healer to follow them in.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aurora groaned, her head felt as if a thousand bees stung her. Her body ached and her throat was dry. This movement from Aurora woke up Aleksander, who had been drifting in and out of consciousness for the last few hours at Aurora's bedside.

He quickly saw her motion to the glass on the table, her movements were slow and lacked any real energy.

Aleksander quickly got up and gave her the glass, helping her lean on the headboard, eyes full of concern.

It reminded Aurora of a time, a time long ago

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Eldora and Caspian had decided to try to start having kids, just Eldora had stopped drinking the tonic to prevent children. They were four years into their marriage, Narina was prospering, they were young and in love.

Both were only children and wanted to bring at least two children into the world. Not for the sake of heirs, they both felt content but wanted to experience the joy of children.

All had been going well, Eldora had just found out she was expecting two weeks ago, she was now five weeks pregnant. Both her and Caspain had been extremely joyful, slightly terrified but joyful.

Everything was fine until Eldora decided to go on a walk along the beach. She always loved the water and felt a strong connection to it. Her father had told her stories of the water in Narnia, and how her mother loved the water. El felt connected to it in ways she couldn't yet understand.

She felt the water stir, when she looked over to the sea she was greeted by the sight of Aalto. The son of the White Witch Jadis. Melted from her, forever hunting the seas. He was spiteful to every Narinan and Telemarine. He blamed them for the demise of his mother.

But he had not been spotted since the golden age of Narina.

That was all changing, before she could react, Eldora was struck by a blade of water. She crumbled to the floor, the piercing pain in her stomach told her enough.

When she had managed to stumble to help and Caspain had found out. He refused to leave her side. They cried and mourned the death of their unborn child. Nothing was ever completely the same, but over time grew stronger together. After all their love was set in the stars, the sun and moon ready to fall into a pattern, no matter the time or place.

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