𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑- 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒌

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While Aurora always enjoyed watching the lighting show that the fold created, being in the fold was a completely different experience

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While Aurora always enjoyed watching the lighting show that the fold created, being in the fold was a completely different experience.

The noise of the volcra was amplified, every little noise felt like your last. By the look of the people aboard faces, everyone was feeling the same.

This skiff was supposed to be new and improved. But it still felt like they were pirates fighting an impossible storm. Open and weak.

Thinking of him called her thoughts. Just the mere idea of reuniting with him pushed all fears of death away.

Well, that was the case till the blue light went out and someone decided to light a lantern.

When the volcra staring attacking, Aurora went into her fight or flight instinct. Being the brave Queen that she was, picking up the nearest gun and shooting at a volcra attacking a fellow cartographer.

That plan gave her time to look over and see the disarray that was the skiff. Alina was laying on the ground and Mal was being lifted off the ground holding on to her hand while a volcra was gripping him.

At that same moment, a volcra pierced its claws right into Aurora's leg. Lacking her off the skiff in one quick motion.

Darkness overtook her eyes.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aurora awoke to a land full of endless grass and waterfalls, a wide range of animals peacefully coexisting together in harmony. A content smile overtook Aurora's features. This was Aslan's land. She saw many happy creatures, people. She looked around for anyone she might recognise. She couldn't find anybody.

But she couldn't find him.

That was before she turned and looked at the creature to her right.

The Great Aslan himself.

"Fear not, it is not your time here my Queen" Aslan spoke with all his might.

Still, in a state of shock, Aurora managed a "where is he?"

A soft smile overtook Aslan's features "All will be revealed soon, my child"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

On the edge of Karibisk, a certain shadow summoner was looking over his creation. Still stuck on the laugh he heard at the camp today.

It sounded like her.

He had quickly turned around, this was the most hope he had since he saw someone with her hair in the streets many centuries ago. He had chased her down like a mad man, running through the streets. It was a dead end.

But today, he could've sworn it was her. He would remember that laugh anywhere. He used to get drunk on it every day. Now he only gets drunk and remembers those days. That laugh was pure sunshine. Rainbows would grow from the mere thought.

When he heard it today, he must have moved so quickly and unexpectedly that one of his guards actually fell over and thought it was an attack.

After all, the Darkling does not show emotions. He is not rash. He thinks things over, sits in silence and observes. He has lived through many rulers, either as a prized weapon or hunted like a pig.

But when it came to her, any of that fell down the drain. He would do anything for her, even the chance that they would be reunited in death.

Of that was an option he'd run into the fold.

When he saw the searing light, lighting up the fold like a firework. He hoped it was her. No matter how long it had been, how improbable. He knew that only a sun summoner could create that. A shadow and sun summoner. Dark and Light. They would balance out each other.

All he could think of was her. The chance, ever so small that she was his light.

After all, Aslan wouldn't make someone else the light to his dark. Would he?

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