𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟔 - 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓

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Aurora woke up with a start

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Aurora woke up with a start. She was tired and she didn't want to march to Kribisk.

But when her senses started to return to her he realised she was not in her scratchy, falling apart but instead in a nice silk bed. For a queen.

As soon as she realised this she opened her eyes and attempted to get out of whoever's bed this was. But as soon as she moved her leg she fell back down and let out a hiss of pain.

That's when she heard him.

"El, stop you'll hurt your leg" he stated.

She knew that voice. She listened to it every night in her dreams.

"Cas" she turned around and her heart almost kept out her heart in joy. Breaking the silence "You cut your hair".

That's when he let out his laugh. Caspian laughed all the time. Aleksander did not, but Caspian had Eldora. And now Aleksander had Aurora.

As he chuckled Aurora took him in. His hair had been cut but he still had his beard. She had once convinced him to shave and he complained about feeling 'naked' and 'not a real king because obviously, all real kings have beards El'.

Then she looked down. He was wearing a kefta. A black kefta. That's when it hit her. She wasn't dead, nor in Aslan's country. She had seen Aslan.

"I-l-m not dead?' Aurora more than asked. He moved from the chair beside her bed. Grabbing her hand and helping her into a sitting position. "No we're together again, I finally found you". The emotion in his eyes told her that like her he had been waiting centuries.

"So your him, the Darkling '' he didn't fault. "Yes I am, I have gone by many names"

"Including the Black Heretic"

This time he did fault, she was always very smart. Smarter than him. But he wouldn't lie, he wasn't sure he could lie to her. "Yes"

"Well you better have a good reason before I leave this bed and never return"

Hours were spent convincing her, trying to justify his past mistakes.

"I love you so much, I looked for you in every crowd"

She laughed. He hadn't heard that laugh in years. He was already addicted and drunk on it again. He understood alcoholics, just one giggle from her nad he was lost again, and he couldn't find a single part of him that did not rejoice at that fact. "Clearly not hard enough if we didn't know that we were in the camp."

"We would've found each other, I never doubted that El. Even if it took death to reunite us, I will always find you."

He broke eye contact and looked down to her lips for a flash.

Aurora almost rolled her eyes. He was always too scared to make the first move. She grabbed his chin and smashed his lips on hers.

How she missed those lips, and what they could do. His stumble brushed up on her face. This was pure euphoria.

The stars rejoiced. Light and darkness clash again in an explosion. A constellation blooming above in the sky. Their love, was so passionate that nursery rhymes were sung about them and stories told to young kids.

As they broke away, staring at each other as if they would disappear if they looked away.

Now shy Caspian mumbled, head looking down "You're a sun summoner you know, El"

"Well I didn't, thank you for informing me" she laughed.
"Oh yeah it's Aurora you know"

"Well call me Aleksander in that case"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

They talked and talked for hours. Catching up on centuries of pinning and missing each other.

Aleksander, as she now called him, would panic and look like he was going to burst into tears every time Aurora winced at her leg, even if it was now only reduced to some light bruises. 

But Aurora did almost cry when he gave her tea with honey. So she was in no place to joke about.

As nightfall came and Aleksander wrapped his arms around her, they felt complete.

It didn't matter what was happening outside his room, or what he had done. It didn't matter what was expected of them. For tonight it was just them, even if they got separated for another four centuries they would be content to remember this night.

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