𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟗 - 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒔

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Aurora was bursting with excitement, she was finally reunited with her friends

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Aurora was bursting with excitement, she was finally reunited with her friends. She might've accidentally made Mal fall over when she surprisingly jumped on him. Aleksander who had been following her behind, unable to keep up with her excitement, did not like the image of Aurora on the ground on top of another man.

Alina was on her way to meet up with Mal when she saw Aurora and him making their way to her. For a moment she forgot that anything had changed in the last month. But as soon as she noticed Aurora was dressed in a kefta.

Not just any kefta but a white one, gold embroidering of suns, the untainted fabric contrasted the dreariness of the camp.

Today was the day that the sun summoner would enter the fold, her best friend. Alina had hoped that Aurora wouldn't forget about her and Mal. And by the fact that she was current berating Mal for something she couldn't quite hear yet, it seemed like she hadn't.

Oh, what a month can change.

A month ago Aurora and Alina had just arrived with their cartography unit and Alina was ranting the girl about her unrequited love for Mal. Alina didn't realize how much she or Mal relied on Aurora.

After being through training together, she had joined their little trio, they had made a space in their hearts for her. And she lights up their lives in return.

Alina remembered when Aurora had thrown a bowl of sludge at the chef for insulting Alina's shu heritage.

Or when they stole food from the kitchen stores and had a picnic on a little patch of wildflowers.

It just wasn't the same without her now, missing her laugh that lit up a room. It made sense to Alina that Aurora was the sun summoner. She really was the epitome of the sun. Not just in her golden hair, but her ability to light up a room.

And when Aurora spotted Alina she ran through the camp, not caring how many people were staring at the sun summoner. Hugging Mal felt like home, but Aurora felt like pure sunshine.

And as Aurora immediately started to demand if Mal had "manned up and grown some balls, from the totally sad life from not having her around."

Alina forgot how dramatic her friend was.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Catching up with Mal and Alina took longer than expected. So when Aleksander came into the tent and asked to steal her for a bit she knew this was her opportunity. She informed the guards not to let them out until she came back.

As she exited the tent she screamed over her shoulder "Mal if you don't man up I'll find Alina someone new". With that, she left two blushing friends, or hopefully soon not only friends and saw a slightly amused Aleksander.

He had calmed down significantly from this morning, but Auroras still sensing the slight jealousy decided to tease him.

"Maybe I'll just get with Mal if he and Alina doesn't work out"

That comment caused Aleksander to stop walking, look her dead in the eye then grabbed her wrist and walked into the nearest tent, demanding everyone get out and kissed her so fiercely that she forget the name Mal.

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