𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟑 - 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Caspian was trembling with nerves, Edmund, Lucy, Reep

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Caspian was trembling with nerves, Edmund, Lucy, Reep. They had all left. His family was gone. The only thing keeping him in somewhat good spirits was her.

They were set to arrive at the Lone Islands to renew resources, and well everyone had seen the kiss between Eldora and Caspian.

And what a kiss it was, every night he would fall asleep, dreaming of the taste of the honey and oranges and the tingling feeling on his lips.

He was a king! The King of Narnia! Yet he was nervous to talk to a girl. A girl with golden hair, a girl who lightened his whole world. He was getting distracted.

But they had only met in the afternoon and he left the next afternoon. What if she had found another? Or didn't like him? What was his plan?

Should he purpose? Was it too quick?

The Lone Islands came into view, "Land ayoh".

This was a horrible idea, no matter how confident Caspian may seem, one thought about her and he was gone.

As they docked all worries we were out the door or ship cabin in this case. He saw her. She was running down, waiting for him.

It felt like time had stopped. She was soon in his arms, jumping slightly to meet his height.

He could feel her let out a relieved sigh "you made it, you're safe".

So she had been thinking of him as well. That gave him hope.

He lightly grabbed her chin as he let her feet touch the ground, still wrapped in his arm. "I promised I'd come back, didn't I?"

She didn't seem to like the slight arrogance, even if it was in a good manner, deciding to shut him up with the taste of honey and orange.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

How he missed the taste of honey and orange, if he could he would get drunk on it every night.

It didn't scare him, not anymore. He had accepted it long ago.

He had decided to start the process of 'wooing' Aurora. She wanted him to 'woo' her, then she would consider letting his purpose.

Always the demanding woman he loved.

He had a picnic prepared, he took her out to a snowy field. She was and decided pelting snowballs at him was more fun than the picnic.

No one had dared hit him with a snowball in centuries. But she was Aurora Popov.

Their stubborn and competitive nature made for an interesting and intense game.

So when Ivan walked down to find his General being pinned to the snow, tongue down the throat of the sun summoner.

He rolled his eyes, his General was lazing around lusting after the sun summoner like a boy. Then again he was still his friend and Ivan was glad to see him happy. And well Ivan himself was lusting over Feydor.

He quickly clears his throat, effectively separating the two love birds. Both had the decency to blush. The Darkling was blushing, who was this girl?

"General you are required to see the King" he stated. They both broke apart and brushed the snow off each other.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The King was happy, his spies were useful. He had sufficient evidence that the supposed 'sun summoner' was a witch.

His apparat had found a spell that would break down whatever curse the witch had put his General under.

He had collected all the lords and other needed officials. He had someone drug the witch and was going to break the curse then burn her like how all witches should go.

The only problem was separating his General from the witch long enough to drug her.

But eventually, he was successful and today was the day.

The General walked into the King's war room. He looked around, all the Lords and Generals were looking at him.

A flash of surprise was present on his face.

"Ah General Kirigan, glad you could join us" The King wore a smug smile, filled with mystery.

"You need not worry anymore General, we have found a way to break the curse"

This time a genuine look of confusion was cast on Aleksanders face.

"What curse are you speaking of sir, Moi Tsar"

"That spell that the witch has put you under, but we have found a cure."

That made the curious look drop from his face, clouded with anger.

"What" the King had never heard that kind of anger from his always calm General, he assumed it was the curse.

"Don't worry she will be burnt like the witch she is after the curse was broken."

At that Aleksander heard the screams of his beloved, getting closer.

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