𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑𝟐 - 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒖𝒏

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"Moi Tsar, the Queen is pregnant"

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"Moi Tsar, the Queen is pregnant"

He was going to be a father.

It had been six days, six painful days. They discovered the Queens 'condition' five days in.

Aleksander still couldn't comprehend that he was a father. Well, might be.

After the first night, there was half a chance she would wake up. Now the healers say it's low, very low, too low. He hadn't left the healer ward.

He felt like crying, screaming, anything. He would give anything to see Aurora wake up and smack him for not running the country, to see her smile when the healers told her about her condition. He would give up anything, even himself.

Sleeping in the chair that he listened on, pained his back but he felt he deserved this. The pain. He promised himself that Aurora would never get hurt again, look what happened.

He tried to think about the future, the future where Aurora was in his arms, a child in hers. A happy family. He thought about the new line connecting their souls, a child.

The only thing keeping him sane was that connection, the proof that she was alive, unconscious but alive.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aurora groaned, it felt like a million knives had stabbed her throat, but she was immediately crowded by healers. Her mind was racing in her head, was she pregnant, if so was the baby alive?

Aurora was confused, her head hurt. But eventually the healers baked away and gave her a glass of water to help her throat. When they left the room she tilted her head and saw Aleksander.

She now released why the healers left the room. He looked horrible. Aleksander just chuckled, a sad pathetic watered down from the tears streaming down his face. All he did was lean over and grasp her face, so determined to remember every detail.

He kept stumbling over his words, so very unlike the calm and collected man he usually was, and when he did it was nothing below a whisper "I almost lost you both".

At this Aurora eye's widen. Now she was going to start crying.

"Both?" Her eyes asking every question, Aleksander's answering with a nod of his head. That's when he fully lost it. Crying into her shoulder, holding her body. The relief in his tears. Even Baghra came, she also looked like her eyes was watering at the news, but if anyone asked it was the dust in her eyes.

That's how they spent the afternoon, in each other's arms, crying tears of pain and happiness. And Aurora arguing against the stupid names Aleksander was suggesting. Genya and Alina were sharing Godmother and David and Mal were sharing Godfather, Aleksander did not like the idea of Mal as the Godfather. After declaring that she was the one carrying it for nine months and birthing it she was naming it and choosing everything, that shut him up".

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