𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟓- 𝒔𝒖𝒏 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒓

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When the skiff returned in under twenty minutes, everyone went into a panic

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When the skiff returned in under twenty minutes, everyone went into a panic. The light show put everyone on edge and now the skiff was back, it was full chaos.

General Kirigan as calm as he could present worked his way through the camp to the dock with the skiff.

And that's when he saw her. His heart stopped. He stopped. Dead still. It was her. That's when the panic set in. He took in her body, still the same from all those years ago, minus the fact that half her leg had been ripped apart by the volcra.

This is when the dread set in. He had never fully regretted creating the fold until now. He didn't have anyone to be affected by. But now it had hurt her.

After hearing all the screams and shouts of orders he clicked back in, rushing towards her.
It was an odd sight to see the always so calm and unaffected Darkling running like his life depended on it.

He had two plays, acting indifferent or revealing that fact that he knew this unconscious girl he was about to reach. But anyone who knew Caspian, knew that the second anything involving Eldora his rationality went out the window.

So the Darkling rushed through the people keeping him from her.

When he reached her, he wasn't sure what to do. She was lying unconscious on a stretcher. Everyone had moved when they saw the Darkling coming towards them, completely frazzled. So unlike his normal self.

Zoya hesitantly spoke first breaking the intense air surrounding the group. "she is the sun summoner". Quick and to the point, that's why Zoya was important in the second army.

Aleksander, now somewhat processing that she is here, and bleeding out with a serious wound. "Quick heal her then put her in my carriage and prepare to ride back to the Little Palace" that loud angry command quickly put everyone to work.

All Aleksander could do was bend down and grab her hand. "El" he whispered, "you're here". If she was awake she would probably make some sarcastic joke. But she wasn't awake. And it was his fault.

Stupid younger self. He wanted to tear down the fold right now and then. Kill every volcra that dare harm her.

But right now he was scared. Scared that she wouldn't wake up. That she had lost too much blood. That after all these years apart, she would die at this creation's hands.

That idea terrified him.

And she was a sun summoner. The light to his darkness. Aslan had given him light or maybe gave her darkness. His sun was currently being loaded in the carriage.

As soon as the doors shut he grabbed her hand and whispered sorrys.

She would forgive him. But that didn't mean he would forgive himself.

So as he held her up to his chest, bursting with joy that she was back but tainted with the knowledge that she wasn't awake, happy and rejoicing reuniting because of him.

When the Fjerdan's tried to attack, he snapped. Killed everyone of the Druskella without a second thought. He was never rational when it came to her.

He constantly checks her leg. Scanned her body to see if anything else was injured. Grisha may be amazing but they aren't miracle workers.

Would she hate me if she knew what I had done?

The thought was constantly in the front of his head. Caspian had been a hero, he served for Narnia. In his eyes, Aleksander served for the Grisha. But what if she didn't see it, or didn't allow him to explain?

Aleksander didn't often overthink, but now he allowed himself to spiral. He shivered in the carriage, having given his kefta to Eldora when everyone was out of view.

As Os Alta approached Aleksanders head began starting to plan. Bagrha was the only one he ever told anything about his last life to. She knew about her.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

If the guards were confused at General Kirigan carrying a woman wrapped in his signature black kefta they did not show it.

They did not show confusion when he opened the doors to his personal chambers that they had never seen a living soul into and put the girl on his bed. Demanding for healers to come and check up on her.

Only when her leg had been completely healed with only a few unavoidable aches did Aleksander stop glaring and shouting at the healers. 

They did not show confusion when he asked for a certain tea with honey to be sent to his room or for a bag of oranges.

But by saints were they confused. Who was this woman that made the Darkling cater to her unconscious needs?

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