Chapter 3

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„How is your arm by the way, does it hurt a lot?" I asked him.
He was still smiling at me and had his shiney, green eyes fixed on mine. There was something weirdly special of being around this man. He gave me a warm and familiar feeling just by smiling at me. It made me blush and somehow my heart started racing whenever he did it. It was like he could look deep into my soul.
I couldn't believe it, I was lost in his gaze. I had to stop. The one thing I didn't want, is falling for someone and certainly not for Harry Styles. I can't let that happen again, I promised myself I wouldn't since the last relationship I had.

„It hurts a little, yeah but thanks to your patching up skills, it already feels better."

„Good." I giggled. „And sorry again for bumping into you and knocking you over."

„Stop worrying and apologizing, it's really fine." He laughed.

„Okay okay. Hey, uhm I don't want to keep you here, you probably have a lot to do." I eventually said.

„Oh, uhm yeah, yes uhm thank you for your help." He looked surprised and instantly got up from the couch.

„That's the least I could do." I smiled and led him to the door. „Oh wait, here are your clothes, I tried to dry them as good as I could." I handed him a bag with his old clothes in it.

„Thank you....Uhm, there is something I still need to ask you." He turned around as he already had his hand on the doorhandle.

A shiver ran down my spine when he suddenly looked deep into my eyes again after he abruptly turned around to face me and I almost bumped into him again. My heart started racing again wondering what he would ask.

„I was just wondering..." he paused and rubbed a hand across his chin. „Since you said you like our music, would you like to come to our show tomorrow night? As a little thank you for your help." he nervously smiled.

For a moment I thought I hadn't heard him correctly. I was the one who knocked him over an now he wants to thank me for my help?


„Yup. Only if you want to. Don't feel you have to or anything. I mean, you might have other plans..."

„I have an appointment in the morning but after that I'm free." I smiled a little.

„So is that a yes?" he asked. „You'll come?"

„Yes, I'll come." I said with a huge grin on my face after I saw his giant smile that his mouth formed in to. „I would love to, thank you Harry. But I heard all the tickets were sold out."

Even though I didn't want to, I still couldn't just say no, I mean how could I say no to Harry Styles? And besides, it's still One Direction, one of the biggest bands in the world and I never went to a concert in my whole life.

„They are but you don't need a ticket. You can sit with my sister Gemma, our families and special guests in a reserved area just by the stage. They'll look after you. Is that okay?"

I only nodded, not sure what I should answer him. He clearly was happy to invite me, I was just scared I would feel uncomfortable when    I'm there, most of all because I didn't really know him personally.

Harry smiled back at me, seeming to be glad I said yes. Then his expression got serious.

„Is there someone else you want to invite along? A sister, a brother, your uhm your boyfriend?"

„I don't have siblings and I don't have a...a boyfriend, so no, there's nobody else." Was it my imagination or did I just see a little smile on his face when I told him I was single?

„Alright, can I come and pick you up? It will be a lot easier to get into the arena when you're with me."

„Sure, my house is right down the street, with the number 19." I told him gesturing into the direction where my house was.

„Great, is 4 o'clock alright?" He asked while he had his sparkly eyes on mine.

„It's perfect, but why so early?"

„Oh, just so I have some time to hang around with you and show you everything and everyone until I have to go on stage." he explained.

„That's nice, thank you." I smiled.

„So see you tomorrow then." He smiled back and stretched his arms out for a hug.
I was a bit surprised at first but he already laid his arms gently around my back so I did the same.

„I look forward to it." I told him as he let go of the short hug and got together with him out of the door.
It stopped raining and the sun was shining again.
I watched as he walked away, down the street and how he turned around again to look and smile at me just before he turned to disappear around the corner.
I suddenly got the feeling of missing him as soon as I didn't see him anymore...
My thoughts were interrupted immediately as I heard Olivia talking to me as she walked towards me.

„Hey, who was this guy?" She wondered and looked down the street, where my eyes still were fixed.
I assumed she finished the movie she was watching at my house.
We're neighbours but she was mostly hanging around at my house. She was my best friend for years now and I could trust her with my life. She is the one that understands me and we already went through so much together.

„Shit, you scared me." I winced when I heard her. I didn't realize she was standing next to me.

„Jesus, what were you looking at? I called you like three times." She said.

„You won't belive me if I tell you." I let out a laugh and got back into the shop with her following me.

„Just tell me, I wanna know."

„When I got here, I bumped into some guy and accidentally knocked him over." I started explaining.

„That's so typical." Olivia laughed.

„Yeah, anyways. We both fell on the wet street. He hurt himself a bit on his arm so I told him to come with me into the shop so I could wrap his arm up and give him some dry clothes. So he followed me in and introduced himself as Harry Styles." I smiled as I thought at his cute smile.

„NO WAY!" She screamed out. „Grace, you just knocked over Harry Styles? THE HARRY STYLES?!"

„Yes, I did. Calm down." I laughed.

„How could I calm down Grace? Harry Styles was here with you, alone, talking to you and I missed it." She let herself fall down on the little couch I sat on earlier with Harry.

„Oh and he asked me if I would come to their show tomorrow night."

„Are you kidding me right now?! And you just casually say that? I can't believe this happened." She buried her head into a pillow.

„How was he? What did he say?" I could see she was dying to know it.

„We talked about our lives and our jobs. He is really sweet, nice and very very polite. He has a cute smile and beautiful eyes." I lost myself again in my thoughts.

„Oh my god Grace!" She almost yelled.

„What?! What is it?" she scared me again.

„Grace Montgomery, you have a crush on Harry Styles!" She said, smiling and pointed at me, what made me blush.

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