Chapter 6

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„Let's go over there and eat there." I pointed to a bench in the park across the street.

„Sure." His face was still serious but his lips still formed into a little smile.
We headed to the bench and sat down next to eachother.

„Now try the burger, I wanna see your reaction." I told him.

„Alright." He let out a laugh and took a big bite of the burger.

„Shit, you're right." His eyes got big again. „This is the best burger ever!"

„Riiight?" I asked again, laughing at his reaction.

„Mhmm." He let out, while he chewed his second bite.

He looked so cute, I couldn't help myself but giggle at his sweetness.

„How did you find that food stand? This is a magic place." He asked, what made me laugh.

„That's actually a funny story." I smiled at the thought of it. „Around two years ago in summer, Olivia and I got really really drunk, like really drunk because we celebrated something that I can't even remember now. So we stumbled around the streets in the dark and because of how how dark it was and how drunk we were, for some reason I tripped on the sidewalk and fell." I started explaining when his laugh interrupted me, what made me laugh too.

„You are a clumsy person aren't you?" He laughed.

„Well so are you, mister Styles. I saw you fall quite a lot on stage." I laughed at him.

„You got me, but how did you find the food stand in the end?"

„So I was laying there on the ground, with Olivia next to me, laughing her ass of while I smelled the strong smell of fastfood. So I got up and followed the smell and that was when I found the food stand that was still open. We got the burgers and sat on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk to eat them." I finished the story.

„Hahah, wow that is a pretty good drunk story." He said.

„Have you got one too?" I asked him, seeing how amused he was listening to mine.

„Uuh yes, there is one. When we released our third album, we had a big party at Louis' house and Niall and I got out of the house at some point, completely drunk of course. So we went to a supermarket to get some cookies, don't ask me why, I can't remember anymore. After we bought them, we got out of the door and Louis had the brilliant idea to push me around in a shopping trolley that were parked on the parking lot.
I got in and he ran while pushing it around the parking lot. At some point he was so fast and we both didn't see a wall that was in front of us, so we couldn't stop anymore and I crashed into the wall with the shopping trolley." He told me.

„Hahaha, really?"

„Yeah." he laughed with a bit of regret in his eyes.

„Didn't you hurt yourself?" I asked him.

„Oh I did, I broke my wrist and hand to get surgery because of that. That's where this scar comes from." He pointed at his right wrist, that had a little scar on it. It was not big and if I didn't know it, I wouldn't even notice it.

„You broke your wrist and had to get surgery? Wow I never heard a story like that before." I told him.

„Yeah, Louis on the contrary was laughing at me, while I fell on the ground and was in pain. So typical." He smiled.

„Well Olivia and Louis have some things in common then." I smiled at him and looked straight into his sparkly eyes.

„They do." he smiled back and our eyes locked.

I don't know how long we sat there, staring and smiling at eachother but I think it was quite a long time.

We sat there and talked for hours. He made me laugh and I think he also flirted with me...

„Hey what time is it now?" I asked Harry after I recovered from the laugh he gave me because of another story of his.

„Shit, it's already 4. Now I don't even have to pick you up anymore. Let's go to the arena." He said and got up from the bench.

„Wow already 4. How long did we talk?" I laughed.

„Long enough to forget the time." He laughed back. „Let's go, I have my car parked near your boutique."

I nodded and we headed back to the boutique. When we arrived, he walked towards a beautiful white Mercedes Benz. I immediately saw it was an older car but it looked really new.

 I immediately saw it was an older car but it looked really new

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„Is that your car?" I asked him.

„Yeah." He said and walked to the other side to open the door for me.

„Thanks." I smiled and got in. „I love this car,   it's beautiful." I told him when he got in.

„Thank you, so you like retro cars huh?" He asked while he put on his sunglasses.

„Are you kidding? I love them. My dad had an old Mercedes similar to yours."

He smiled at me and pulled out of the parking spot to head into the direction of the arena.

As I saw the arena after a few minutes, I got more nervous every second. My heart was racing and I felt how my hands started sweating so I rubbed them over my thighs.

„Hey, don't be nervous, you will have a good time tonight." Harry suddenly told me and laid his hand on mine to calm me down.

How did he know I was nervous? It was like he could read my mind. Or maybe it was just because he noticed how I nervously moved my legs up and down.

„It's just...uhm, you know what, never mind." I smiled a little.

„No, what is it? Is something wrong?" He asked worriedly.

„Well normally meeting new people is a bit hard for me. I get really nervous and scared they wouldn't like me. I know it's weird and I don't know why I am like this but I sadly can't change it."

„Hey don't worry, the boys will like you, believe me, they're my family and really nice and kind guys. Oh and besides, there's nothing wrong with being scared of meeting people. It's not easy for everyone...and don't ever change, because you're perfect the way you are."

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