Chapter 85

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I woke up the next morning with Harry still sleeping next to me. I grabbed my phone to see it was 07:30 in the morning. Avery cried once or twice during the night but Harry managed to calm her down quickly and sang her to sleep. I got up, out of bed and put my slippers on, watching how Harry shifted around in bed, still sleeping. I smiled at the sight and turned to get to Avery when I heard a loud and dull noise. I instantly turned around again and bursted out laughing as I saw Harry lying on the floor.

„Oow, shit!" He let out while I couldn't breathe of all the laughing. „Hey, that's not funny! That really hurt!" He let out a laugh himself as he got back up, rubbing his arm he fell on.

„I- I'm sorry, but-." I laughed again. „But it looked so funny, you almost made me pee myself." I laughed, patting his chest.

„That's gonna leave a bruise." He laughed. „Anyways, did you sleep well?" He asked me after giving me a good morning kiss.

„Actually yes, very well. It was the first really good sleep I got since like the seventh month of my pregnancy." I told him and bent down to lift Avery out of her crib.

„Well, that's good." He smiled. „Good morning, sunshine." He kissed her nose.

„Did you sleep well too, huh?" I looked at Avery who just woke up from her sleep. „You're probably hungry." I smiled at her as Harry did and he gave her a kiss on her tiny forehead.

I sat down in bed and started breastfeeding her for the third or fourth time since she was born yesterday. One of the nurses showed me how to do it last night and it worked pretty well so far.

„Grace, I'm gonna take a shower and get ready. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

„I will, thanks Haz." He kissed my head and headed off to the bathroom.

While I was breastfeeding, the nurse came in to quickly check on me and Avery and brought us breakfast. I looked down at her and smiled when she opened her precious green eyes, she had got from Harry and stared at me the most adorable way ever.

„Do you want breakfast?" I asked Harry when he came out of the bathroom, fully clothed and fresh washed and dried hair that fell down onto his shoulders.

„No, you eat that, it's yours." He shook his head.

„I hate hospital food, I'm gonna grab something from the cafeteria later, but I want to take a shower too first."

„Do you want me to get it for you, love?" He asked me and took Avery out of my arms so I could freshen myself up.

„No, no, it's fine. I need to get out of this room for a few minutes." I told him and grabbed my new clothes to change into later.

It felt so great to wash all the sweat off me from last night. I washed my hair and dried it afterwards. I still put one of my maternity leggings on because of my still very showing belly. I threw one of Harry's shirts on that I stole once again and put my hair up in a pony tail. I put a little bit of my mascara on to look like a normal human being, slipped on my slippers and got out of the bathroom.

„So, could you watch her until I get back?" I asked him, walking towards her crib she was sleeping in.

„Of course, honey. But don't forget, Olivia, my mum and my sister are coming to visit later."

„Right, I'll be back in a minute." I told him and kissed his lips. „See you in a sec." I smiled at him. „And you too." I whispered to Aves who was sound asleep.

„Bye." Harry smiled before I left the room.

I walked through the hallways towards the elevator at the end of the floor.

„Good morning miss Styles, how are you feeling?" One of the nurses asked me, smiling at me from her desk she was sitting at.

„I'm great, thanks." I said. „A little tired but happy."

„That's good to hear, Avery is a very beautiful and cute baby. Enjoy the time with her." She said.

„We will, thank you." I smiled and continued walking.

All the nurses and doctors that treated me since I came in yesterday, were so friendly and nice to us. They really cared about us and it made me calmer, knowing my baby was in a hospital were they really looked after it.

I got into the elevator and eventually arrived on the floor where the cafeteria was. I walked past a group of young girls and I knew it wasn't really advantageous if they saw me, so I tried to keep my head down but it was already too late.

„OMG, it's Grace Styles!" One of them let out, making me turn around and look at them. „It's really you!" The group of three came up to me.

„Hey guys." I smiled, not wanting to be unfriendly or something.

„Does that mean that you had your baby?" She asked me with wide eyes.

„Yes, I did last night." I said.

„Omg congratulations!" All three of them let out. „Is Harry here too?"

„Yes, actually, he is with her right now, because I wanted go get breakfa-." They interrupted me.

„Could we take a picture with you?" The slightly shorter girl suddenly asked.

„Umm, if I'm honest, I'd rather not." I started. „Look, I'm sorry but I just gave birth and I'm really tired and hungry and Haz is waiting for me." I explained.

„Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't think." The girl said.

„Uhm, could you guys do me a favor and not make a big deal out of this?" I politely asked. „I don't want the whole world to know yet, we just want to have some time in peace."

„Yes, of course. Thanks for talking to us." They smiled at me before waving goodbye and leaving.

Wow, that was weird. They weren't really the nicest fans and it was the first time I met fans like this, so I was glad when they finally understood and left.

I eventually arrived at the cafeteria and grabbed some sandwiches and bottles of orange juice for both me and Harry. A nice lady who worked there, put everything in a bag for me, so I didn't have to carry them in my arms.

I walked back to the elevator and waited until it came up to my floor. The bell dinged, the doors opened and there she was standing.

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