Chapter 113

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November 2018
My eyes fluttered open to realize I was still lying on the couch in the living room. I must've fallen asleep here last night. I was still wearing the same sweaty clothes from the show. I felt how greasy my tied up hair already was as I touched it. I rubbed my eyes and sat up only to feel the massive headache I still had from yesterday, remembering that I got hit with that can. I furrowed my brows as I managed to get up and head to the kitchen where my wife was already standing with my baby in her arms, looking perfect as always.

 I furrowed my brows as I managed to get up and head to the kitchen where my wife was already standing with my baby in her arms, looking perfect as always

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„Hey." She turned around, smiling at me with the most beautiful smile on earth. „How are you feeling?" She pressed a kiss on my lips after I leaned down to softly kiss Avery's head.

„Got a headache, but it's not too bad." I told her, leaning against the kitchen island as Grace got closer and looked at my face, frowning. „Ouch! It hurts." I winced when she pressed on my face with her finger.

„Sorry." She apologized. „Well, you've got a small bump."

„Ughh, is it noticeable?" I asked her, pressing on it by myself.

„No, not until you look closer." She assured me. „Stop pressing on it if it hurts." She grabbed my hand, and put it down.

Avery stretched her arms out for me, smiling at me with her precious face, wanting me to hold her, so I wanted to take her out of Grace's arms, but she pulled back.

„Hey! I want to hold her." I whined.

„You go and take a shower first, you stink." She commanded with a stern look on her face. „I just bathed Avery and I don't want her to stink too."

„You're mean." I said and turned around to go upstairs.

„It's the truth!" She yelled after me, making me grin on my way up.
I took a shower as soon as I got to the bathroom, washed my hair and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a black button up shirt. I dried my hair, took my coat with me and went downstairs.

„Mhhm, now you smell good." Grace smiled at me, taking a deep breath in as I leaned over Avery's high chair to kiss her. „Uhh and you're wearing your good perfume today." She noticed.

„I knew you would like it." I chuckled.

„Who doesn't like Tom Ford? Especially when my husband wears it."

I shrugged and sat down on the opposite of her at the table.

„You have time to eat breakfast?" She asked me with the happiest expression. I loved to make her happy by eating breakfast together with her what didn't happen a lot. I mostly only had time for a cup of coffee before I had to leave.

„Yes, I got a few more minutes before I have to meet the boys for that interview."

„Great." She smiled at me. „Are you sure you still want to go to that party with that headache?"

„Yeah, It's already gone anyways." I told her and started eating as she poured us both a cup of coffee.

„Okay. So, will you be back for lunch?" She asked me.

„Yeah for sure. It's a short interview with an interviewer I don't really like. We have to play some sort of game and answer some questions, so I will be back in a few hours." I told her.

„You don't like the interviewer?"

„It's a guy and we already had an interview with him a few years back. He always asks those private questions and he is sometimes really mean and disrespectful." I explained to her. „I don't like that."

„Well, just avoid those question like you always do. You're a genius when it comes to that." She smirked. And she was right. I always avoided question by talking and talking and changing the subject.

A few minutes later after breakfast, I was on my way out of the house.

„Bye, love you." She pressed a kiss on my lips after I squeezed her and Avery tight.

„Love you too, see you in a few hours." I smiled at her and put my coat on to go outside.

„By the way, you look very handsome in that coat." She grinned at me.

„Thanks, love. You look gorgeous too." I laughed and headed to my car, waving at Avery again before I drove out onto the street.

" I laughed and headed to my car, waving at Avery again before I drove out onto the street

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