Chapter 83

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July, 39 weeks


„Can you get up?" Harry asked carefully.

I nodded and he put his arm around my shoulder to help me up.

The room was quiet, everyone had eyes on the situation. Paul already called the van around, Anne grabbed mine and Harry's things and the rest of the crew was staying out of our way and helping where they could. Harry led me out of the room, his arm still resting around my waist, his other hand gripped mine. Just as we reached the exit to the parking area I stopped in my tracks.

„Haz stop, oh god." Another contraction hit, this one even stronger than the one I had previously. A swell of pressure between my thighs built up and released along with a gush of fluid that pooled in my jeans.

„Oh god, Harry my water broke." I was panicking and if he was really honest, so was he.

„It's okay, sweetie, it's okay. I have a spare pair of joggers in my bag, you can change in the car."

I could only manage a nod as the contraction continued.

„It hurts so bad, Harry." I whimpered, my head pressing into his chest, my weight on him for needed support and comfort.

As the contraction ended, we both exited the building and got into the waiting black van. Anne and Gemma quickly following. I took my seat next to Harry but found the position excruciatingly uncomfortable.

„I can't sit like this, I have to kneel, it hurts too much to sit upright." I moaned, tugging at the seatbelt to get it off of me. Harry helped me rotate around to kneel on the carpeted floor of the van, my arms folded across Harry's legs, resting my head against his stomach. His hands massaged my back, paying particularly attention to my hips, which were aching more and more with every contraction.

The car sped up and drove out onto the road, however the post concert traffic proved to be an absolute nightmare. With minimal traffic it was a half hour drive to our chosen hospital, but in the conditions before us right now, it was going to be more like an hour and a half if we were lucky.

My contractions started coming every 1-2 minutes and had reached a pain level I'd never experienced before. I had been in the car for too long and I knew I didn't have much time left. I could feel the baby moving down, lower and lower, edging closer to entering the world.

I couldn't talk, a series of grunts and moans being the only noises I could make.

„Harry, I need to- hmmmmm- I need to get out of these jeans." And without hesitation, Harry started maneuvering the wet jeans down my legs, bringing my soaked underwear with them before searching through his bag to grab his joggers, sliding them back up my legs. Slowly but surely I could feel the pressure building in between my legs and I knew, it wouldn't be long until I needed to push.

„Ha- Harry, I can feel it, I can feel the pressure." I moaned and I saw the panic in his eyes.

„Just hold on, honey, we're almost there." He reassured, although I knew he wasn't really sure where we were or how far away the hospital was.

His mum and sister were getting really worried too, Anne went through it herself and knew I really didn't have much time left and chances were this baby was coming in the car whether I liked it or not.

„Excuse me sir, how far are we from the hospital?" Harry asked the driver, who had been trying his hardest to get through traffic as quickly and safely as he could.

„I'm sorry, but we are still about 25 minutes away, sir." The driver responded, knowing it wasn't the answer anyone wanted to hear.

„I can't wait that long, I need to push and I need to push now." I cried, the contractions now continuous and the pressure between my legs intense that my body was taking over.

Harry froze, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen, our baby wasn't supposed to enter the world in the back of a van stuck in traffic in the middle of London, but he couldn't panic too long when I moaned before I tensed up and he knew I was pushing.

„Wow, love slow down, just breathe through it, what do you need hmm? What do you need me to do?" He cooed in my ear.

„I need these pants off, Harry, I can feel the head." Was all I could manage. Harry quickly tugged the jogger bottoms down my thighs but I knew I couldn't move to get rid of them completely, so they rested at my bent knees.

„I can't do this." I panicked. „I can't deliver this baby here, I- I can't do this, I'm so scared." I sobbed.

„Listen Grace, you are the strongest fucking person I've ever met and you're gonna be the best mum in the world, but right now, we need to make sure she gets out, okay?" He pressed a kiss on my head and I nooded.

„Harry, I have to push ag-aghhhh!" I let out a loud groan as I pushed again. I reached down and my fingertips met with the top of my baby's head as it crowned.

„Haz, I need to change positions, I need to squat or lay on my bac- anghhhhh!" I pushed down again without control, my body taking over.

Harry helped me up so I could lay on my back and now with my pelvis fully open, I couldn't stop.

„Alright, you can do this Grace, okay? You are gonna have this baby here and everything will be fine. It's going to be okay, I'm here. You can do this love. I love you so much." He placed himself in front of me, getting his shit together to help me bringing our daughter into this world.

He cooed encouraging words into my ear as I felt how our baby's head slid out between my thighs.

„Breathe, sweetheart, you're doing so well, our baby is almost here." Harry smiled at me, quickly taking his shirt off, showing his bare torso and reaching his hands down, ready to catch the baby and wrap it in his shirt as I let out a yell and with one final, almighty push, the baby slid out into Harry's hands and he lifted the sticky little one up to my chest.

It was like my whole world stopped when I looked at her. It were just me, Harry and our little baby girl in our small little bubble.

„Oh my god, I did it, I did it, oh hello, hi baby girl, hi." I cooed to her gently and leaned down to kiss her forehead. „Oh look how beautiful you are." I cried in relief, looking down at the cute little creature on my chest. Harry was crying, as were Gemma and Anne. „Oh, you definitely didn't feel this tiny coming out." I sobbed.

Harry let out a watery laugh as he gently ran his thumb along her ear.

„You did it, love." Harry said, smiling and crying at the same time, kissing me before leaning down and placing a kiss to his daughter's head.

In that moment, she was not very happy to have entered the cold, bright and scary world, that she didn't understand. She was crying, so Harry kept his face close to hers for comfort.

„I know life can be a little overwhelming and scary sometimes." He said to her and she seemed to calm slightly at the sound of her father's deep voice. „But you see that lady up there?" He added and shot me a proud look. „She is going to be the one to get you through it all."

I never felt so much love before in my entire life and I thought my heart might burst. I grabbed Harry's chin and brought him up to meet me for a kiss.

„Oh my goodness, I have a granddaughter." I heard Anne cry.

„Welcome to the world Avery Sophia Styles." Harry whispered the name we both agreed to in the end, kissing the crown of her head.

„Oh, I love that name." Anne whispered, taking out her phone to take a picture of our newly created family.

„I love you both so much." Harry whispered, kissing my cheek, his hands stroking down his little baby's back after I wrapped her properly in his still warm shirt and taking in the beauty of what was in front of him.

„I can't believe how strong you were, how brave you were. I am so, so proud of you, Grace, prouder than ever. You did such a good job." He pressed his lips on mine. „We made a beautiful baby, she is so beautiful, I can't believe she is here."

„Our daughter is finally here, Harry." I cried into his chest.

„She really is." He smiled, not taking his eyes off of her.

Both our hearts were so full of love at that moment and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

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