Chapter 10

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A while later I followed Gemma and Lottie out into the stadium to a private area that was close to the stage. There were a few other people sitting there, mostly staff, Gemma explained. I saw people staring at us as we made our way to our seats. I saw their excitement as they recognized Gemma and Lottie.

Finally the show started and I instantly felt my heart racing again. I heard that One Direction must be incredible when they perform live on stage so I was even more excited to see them.

All I could think about now, was how incredible it was to be there and watching One Direction do what they did best.

I watched how Harry walked out on stage and heard the girls around me screaming out his name.

He was singing his part in Midnight Memories, when he came over to our side of the stage. As he sang „Straight off the plane to a new hotel..." he looked towards me and grinned. He put his fingers to his lips and blew a kiss straight to me.

My heart began racing again. There was something about his expression that made me think it wasn't just a friendly gesture...

It felt rather intimate...It felt like it meant something...

God stop it Grace. I was going to end up very disappointed if I thought Harry Styles might be interested in me. I didn't want that to happen again.

I payed my attention back to the stage and watched how Harry waved his arms in the air and how he danced around. It made me smile and sometimes laugh at his silliness.

I was enjoying the time there and listening to them but when they started singing What makes you beautiful, I couldn't help myself and screamed.

I had so many memories because of this song. It was the first song they ever released and I remember how Olivia and I always danced to it.

Gemma turned to look at me and I yelled, „Sorry about that, but I love this song!"

„That's okay, I love it too." She said.

We danced and sang along and I couldn't remember the last time I had been so happy.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any better, Harry began singing his slow solo of What makes you beautiful straight to me.

„Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell you don't know..."

He searched for my eyes and when he found them our eyes locked again and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He stared at me and started smiling as he saw me smiling at him.

I was feeling this weird feeling of attraction and it was so powerful. I had never felt this way about anyone before and I was starting to think I was slowly falling for him. I didn't know what he was feeling but it could be that I was imagining everything and there was nothing between us...

One song seemed to merge into another and before I realized it, the main part of the show was over and they disappeared from the stage.

Gemma noticed my disappointment that they had gone.

„They will be back on for an encore in a few minutes." She reassured me.

„I just don't want this to be over." I admitted. „It was a great night."

And I meant it. I think this night was one of the best I ever had.

A few minutes later the opening bars to Change my mind played. Louis came out first, followed by the other four. They walked to their mic stands when Harry said something into the mic before Louis started singing.

„Yesterday I got to meet someone, someone special who helped me out and I'm really thankful for that..." he looked over at me. „So this song is for you Grace..." he smiled and I think I just had a heart attack.

Louis started singing and I could only watch Harry and how he glanced over at me. And when finally his part of the song came, he turned to my side and stared at me.

„Never felt like this before. Are we friends or are we more? As I'm walking towards the door, I'm not sure."

My throat got dry as our eyes locked. It was magical, like he would tell me what he felt. I felt my heart racing again and I didn't want this moment to stop...It was like nothing existed around me anymore, the only thing I heard was Harry's beautiful and raspy voice.

When they finished the song he blew a kiss in my direction and looked back at the crowd.

„A massive thank you to everyone here tonight and a thank you to Grace for rescuing Mr Styles here." Niall said and laughed at Harry.

„See, I told you he likes you." Gemma whispered into my ear just before I heard the familiar chords of Best Song Ever.

„That's the last song." She said while I was still in shock of what just happened during Change My Mind and just nodded.

Soon it was all over and the boys ran off the stage. I followed Gemma and Lottie through a barricade to a corridor. I was so excited to see Harry again. I couldn't wait to tell him how great they were.

After walking through a few corridors, we got to the room we were before the concert and when we walked in I could see Harry with his back to me, talking to Liam. He was just changing his shirt and as he turned around to us, I saw his muscular torso for a second before he pulled down his shirt and smiled at me.

„Hey, how was it?" he asked.

„You guys were great! I loved it." I told him.

„So you had a good time?"

„I had the best time." I looked into his beautiful green eyes. „Thank you for the opportunity to come tonight."

„Anytime love." he said. „Hey uhm I want to take you somewhere." he smiled.


„Just come with me." he took my hand and walked with me out of the room. I saw Gemma and the boys and how they smiled at me when we left the room.

He took me with him through the corridors until we reached the back door.

He opened the door and we left the arena.

We walked together across the parking area.

„Harry, where are you taking me?" I let out a laugh.

„To a special place." He smiled back at me.

We got out of the parking area at the back. We had to go through a small gate that was hard to see from the distance.

We walked on a small path that led up to a hill and then had to walk past some trees and when we eventually got to the top of the hill, there was a large meadow and you could look down to the whole arena from there.

„Wow, it's incredible up here. Where are we?" I asked Harry as he sat down into the grass.

„This is what I like to call it, my secret place." He started explaining. „Whenever I'm sad, I don't feel good or I just want to be alone, I come up here and sit here, looking up to the sky and not thinking anything. Sometimes I come here to write songs. The others don't know this place, I found it a long time ago and never told them about it."

I sat down next to him.

„Why did you tell me then?" I asked.

„Because I wanted to share this with you, I know you won't tell anyone about it and I thought after a loud concert, you might want to go somewhere calm."

„I do...I already love this place." I told him.

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