Chapter 91

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„No, I'm not really planning on leaving it, but I was thinking a lot lately." He admitted and I noticed he wanted to get something off his chest.

„What were you thinking about?" I asked, leaning back into the cushions.

He sighed. „Just about the future." He picked up Aves and leaned back, like I did to lay her on his chest. „Don't get me wrong, I love the band with all my heart, I love the boys and what we're doing but I know that someday it will be all over."

I moved to my side to look at him and crawled closer to him. „That's why you're writing so much songs lately?"

„I guess so, yes." He nodded. „Believe me, I don't want it to be over yet, but I really love writing songs, knowing they are not meant for five voices and are my own, you know?"

I placed my hand on Avery's back while she was still peacefully sleeping on Harry's chest and rubbed it softly. „Yeah, I understand, honey. I just want you to be happy about what you're doing and I think I never saw you happier than you are now."

„But..." He quietly let out.

„But?" I looked at him a little confused.

„Would you still love me if I did leave the band?"

„Oh Harry, of course I would still love you." I grabbed his hand. „Why should I ever stop loving you? Look, like I told you, all I want is that you are happy with what you're doing. I will always be here and support you, whatever you want to do. I'm your wife, Haz and you are my husband. We are a team, don't ever forget that." I pulled Harry's hair tie out of his hair so his lock fell down on his shoulders. I ran my fingers through it, slightly massaging his head.

„We are a great team." He smiled. „Thank you."

„No need to thank me, that's what I'm here for." I pressed a kiss on his forehead.

„Remember before we got together when you once told me that love is only for the brave?" He asked me, taking my hand and placing it on his heart, so I could feel it pounding in his chest.

„How could I forget? It was the night of our first kiss." I smiled at the thought but also remembered how emotional that night was for both of us and what happened later that night. It was the first time I called Harry for help and the kind guy he was, he came to help and save me.

„You were right, love is only for the brave." He said. „Look how brave you were, trusting me after what you went through. We started to love each other so much, we got engaged, went through a hard time but came back together, even stronger and got married. We were devastated when we got those bad news from the doctor, but then that miracle happened. And look what we made, we made this tiny human here, our daughter. You gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for, you gave me a healthy daughter, a child, a family. I don't know if I could ever thank you enough for this. I mean, you brought Avery into the world while we were stuck in a car in the middle of London. I only can imagine how scared you were at that moment, because I was shitting myself but you were so fucking strong. You are the strongest person I know, Grace."

„You're making me cry, Haz." I already sobbed. „I just gave birth a few days ago, my hormones are still going crazy." I got even closer to him to cuddle him and let the tears stream down my face onto his shirt as he laid one arm around me, rubbing my back.

„I love you so much." I said in between crying.

„Don't cry, Grace. I love you more."

„It's your fault that I'm crying, Harry." I let out a laugh and pressed another kiss on his cheek this time. I got so close to Harry so that my cheek was pressed against his.
I couldn't imagine my life without this man. He completed me. He and Avery did. „I have a question." I said, watching Avery and how she stretched out her tiny fingers.

„Hm?" He was waiting for me to ask.

„Who is the song Sweet Creature about?" I asked him and sat up in front of him.

„You can't tell me you don't know, Grace." He chuckled and laid Aves in his arms so he could sit up too.

I shook my head.

„Sweet Creature is about you, darling." He smiled at me.

„You write songs about me?" I asked, blushing at the thought of it.

„Yeah, sometimes and now I have another girl in my life I can write songs about."

„You're the sweetest, Haz." He pressed a kiss on my lips and got up, gently rocking our baby in his arms.

„I have an idea." He then said, looking at the tiny human in his arms.

„An idea?" I wondered.

„Yeah, why don't we go on a walk for a bit, just to be out for a few minutes. The weather is beautiful and it would be Avery's first time outside." He suggested.

„I'd really like that." I smiled at the idea. „I just have to get her stroller and the rest of her stuff."

„I'll get her stroller." He said and was already on his way outside to the car where we left it.
I got to her nursery and packed her diaper bag. I didn't really know if I would need everything I packed, I still had to gain experience with caring for a newborn, since she was our first born, that was why I was glad that I got lots of tips and advices from my mum and Anne. They really helped and I was so thankful for that because a newborn baby was a lot in the beginning.
I was pretty proud of me and Harry for the fact that we both were very young and became parents at that age. I mean Harry was 24 and I was 23 but I loved that Harry was already so grown up and responsible, checking every single detail of important things in our lives and thinking everything through. He was really smart and he always knew what to do. He was always so calm, what made me being calmer and feeling safer. Harry always made things less scarier.

Before we got out, Harry changed into the clothes he wore earlier and I put on my sneakers. I laid Avery into her stroller, put her stuffed bunny in there with her and swung her diaper bag around my shoulder.
Harry waited at the door, holding it open for us to get out.
We walked down the driveway and out of the gate. I honestly was a bit scared to go outside with Avery for the first time, what if paparazzi or crazy fans followed us and mobbed us or something? I couldn't have forgiven myself if something happened to her, but I knew Harry was even more worried about things like that, so seeing him so calm about it made me feel a lot better. He probably already had a plan or something or else he wouldn't have suggested to go out.

As soon as we reached the sidewalk, Harry put on his sunglasses I got him for his last birthday, I pushed Avery in her stroller in front of us and we headed towards the park.

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