Chapter 94

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„When I think you can't get clumsier, you just do." I let out a laugh but saw in his face he wasn't really in the mood for jokes. „But let me now see your knee, pull your pants down." I instructed him, rubbing his leg softly.

„Why do I have to pull them down?"

„Rolling them up won't work with your skinny jeans." I told him.
He sighed and did what I said. Once his jeans were off, I looked at his knee. It had four scars from his surgery on it, two larger ones, one above and one under the knee and two smaller ones, one on the right and one on the left side of the knee.
I frowned when I looked at it.

„What?" He asked quietly.

„Show me your left knee."

He took the left side of his jeans off and I compared it to his right one.

„It's slightly swollen, Harry." I looked at him. „I'll get you a gel, it will cool the knee and hopefully take the swelling sway." I got up to get it and came back to sit down next to him again. He was lying on the couch with his face buried in a pillow.
I poured the gel on his knee and gently started massaging it.

„Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" He let out, making me stop.

„Sorry, honey." I tried to be more gentle. „Here, this will help too." I put an ice pack on his knee after I finished. „Don't walk around for a while so I can see if the swelling goes down."

He nodded.

„I'm sorry, Grace."

„Why are you apologizing, Harry?"

„Because you are mad at me, I can feel it." He told me, his head turning to the side so he could look at me.

„Why would you think I'm mad at you?"

„Because you are calling me Harry." He said.

„So?" I asked. „That's your name."

„I know you're mad at me Grace." He then said.  „You always call me Haz but when you're mad, you call me Harry. You always do that when you're mad at me."

I rolled my eyes at him but he was always.

„Fine, I am a little mad at you." I admitted at some point. „It's just that I don't understand why you never said something about it. It's been three years and it always bothered you but you didn't say a word about it."

„I don't know, it was normal to me at some point that it hurt sometimes, but I mostly didn't want to worry you, especially during your pregnancy. I'm sorry."

„I will always worry about you, Harry. You're my life, you and Avery are and if something's wrong with one of you, I will always worry." I explained. „You know exactly, I only want you to be fine, not in pain."

„Do you forgive me?" He asked almost begging.

„What do you think, Edward?" I laid down next to him to kiss him on his lips. „I hope you're feeling better later."

I almost fell asleep on the couch as I heard Avery crying through the baby phone. I already felt how Harry moved besides me to get up.

„You stay here, Styles." I commanded, pushing him back down. „I've got her." I got up and rushed up the stairs to our bedroom where Avery was still crying.

„Shhh, sweetie, what's wrong, huh?" I picked her up, out of her crib and instantly smelled the problem. „Oops, I think we need to change you, princess." I let out a laugh and laid her down on the changing table. I quickly opened the baby grow she was wearing and changed her nappy into a new one after I cleaned her up.

„Alright, all done." I smiled down at her as she stopped crying. „This is better, isn't it?" I pressed some kissed onto her soft stomach, making her giggle. „I love you...I love you...I love you." I said in between kissing her wherever I could. „Let's go downstairs to daddy." I picked her up and placed her on my shoulder with one hand rubbing her back.

Together with Avery lying on my shoulder, I walked down the stairs.

„Grace?" Harry asked for me just as I stepped down from the last step of the stairs.

„Yeah?" I made my way towards the living room. First, I laid Aves down into her bassinet we had in the living room and turned around to Harry who had his face covered with his hands. „Did the swelling go down?" I asked him and sat down next to him.

„I don't know, but the pain gets worse, it hurts so fucking much." He breathed with his hands still over his face.

„It gets worse?" I frowned.

He nodded. „Mhm."

I leaned over him to kiss his forehead and ran my hand through his soft brown curls. „I'll get you something for the pain, okay? It's still pretty swollen, but let's wait a little bit longer, it will get better." I told him after I took a look at it and rubbed his leg soothingly before I got up to get him a pill for the pain. He just swallowed it without drinking one sip of water.

„You know what? It's already 08:00 pm, let's order a pizza or something, I'm starving and you are probably too." I suggested and he just nodded, adjusting his position on the couch so he could sit up.

„Sorry, I really wanted to cook something for us." He apologized sweetly.

„It's okay, Haz." I pressed my lips on his, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tight. „It's not your fault."

„I hope it gets better soon, we have some shows the next few weeks and I need to walk to do that." He whined.

„Don't worry about it now. It will be okay." I assured him.

I ordered two pizzas for me and Harry and when they arrived, we ate them on the couch while watching a movie. I wanted to distract Harry a little from the pain and hoped watching some TV would help him forget about it for a few minutes.
After the movie ended and I finished cleaning up everything in the kitchen, I fed Avery again, brought her upstairs to change her and laid her down in her crib. As I went back downstairs, I saw Harry trying to stand whilst holding onto the wall.

„Do you think you can go upstairs?" I asked him, holding onto his waist.

„Yeah, I'll just jump around on my left leg." He started jumping towards the stairs and slowly made it up to our bedroom. We both got in and he stopped in front of Avery's crib to softly kiss her head.

„Good night, princess." He whispered and let himself fall on the bed after he changed into a pair of his sweatpants.

„Did the pill help a little?" I lifted up his leg again and placed a pillow under his knee.

„Not really, it still hurts really bad." He sighed.

„I'll get you another ice pack, but if it doesn't stop, you have to let it get checked out." I told him, knowing, that that was the one thing he didn't want.

„No, I can't, we have those shows and interviews and everything, I need to be there not at the doctors just because of my knee that hurts a little." He shook his head.

„Oh a little, huh? If it hurt a little you could walk, but you can't, Harry." I tried to convince him. „Look, the swelling still didn't go down, I'll get you ice now and we will see tomorrow, okay?"

„Fine." He nodded and pulled the blanket up to his chest.

I got him that ice pack and just hoped it would get better, because I knew he hated being either sick or hurt and I knew how much the shows meant to him.

„Good night, Haz." I kissed his cheek and crawled into his arms.

„Night, Grace." He whispered.

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