Chapter 89

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„I am so excited!" I said to Harry while pushing Avery who was peacefully sleeping in her stroller in front of me as we walked down the corridor towards the elevator.

We just got released from the hospital and were on our way home. After four long days of staying, we could finally leave and head home. I didn't want to see this hospital food or the cafeteria anymore. I got sick of it and just wanted to cook myself again or let Harry cook. I wanted to sleep in my own bed and be in my own bathroom. I just wanted all three of us in our home and enjoy the time together as a family of three.

„Me too, I can't stand sleeping in that bed anymore." Harry whined, stretching his back as we got into the elevator. He was carrying our bags while I had Avery and I had to say, he looked extraordinarily handsome today, like really, really hot.

 He was carrying our bags while I had Avery and I had to say, he looked extraordinarily handsome today, like really, really hot

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„You look extremely handsome today." I just bursted out after looking up and down his back, following his long legs.

He abruptly turned around, smiling after he pressed the button of the elevator to go down.

„That came out of nowhere." He laughed. „So, I look good like this?" He gave me a twirl.

„Oh you absolutely do." I smiled. „No, but really. You look very handsome today, very beautiful."

„Thank you, love. You don't look too bad yourself." He winked at me.

„Heyy, watch your mouth, Styles!" I slapped his arm.

„Ouch! You know, your name is Styles too." He mocked me.

„Yeah, but you are the original Styles here." I said and couldn't hide a smile as the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

„Shit, I should have called Paul." Harry's face expression got serious when he saw the gathered people outside of the hospital. We slowly got closer to the exit and saw fans holding up signs that congratulated us and paparazzi with their cameras in their hands, ready to get a picture of us and our daughter. We both knew, they were only here to see Avery and manage to get a picture of her.

Harry quickly opened one of our bags and pulled out a blanket. He softly put it over Avery's stroller, so that nobody could see her and flash her with their stupid cameras.

„Is there no back exit?" I questioned Harry, standing in front of the doors to go out. He already parked our car right in front of the hospital, but it was still a risk with all those people.

„No, I already asked them, they said there is one for emergencies only." He rubbed his face, getting more stressed every second. „Fuck! I don't want to go out there with you and Avery."

„Calm down, Haz. It's not that bad, we just have to move quickly." I looked up at him, into his concerned eyes.

He stayed silent for a second and I knew he was trying to figure out how to leave this hospital without any trouble.

„Harry, stop overthinking." I gave his hand a squeeze, pushing Avery's stroller back and forth with my other hand. „It's gonna be fine."

„That's my phrase." He chuckled when I finally got his attention again.

„I know, but right now, you are the one that needs to hear it from me." I hugged him tight and kissed his neck. „Can we go home now?    I'm really tired." I almost begged when he let go of me.

„Yes, but listen, you won't let go of my hand, okay?" He got serious again. „I will push Aves and you hold my hand and be right next to me."

„Okay, let's do that." I agreed, nodding.

He grabbed the stroller and my hand and held tight onto them. We started walking and I honestly didn't know how he managed to push the stroller with just one hand through the hospital and out of the door. As we stepped out, peoeple started screaming our names and I heard the clicking and flashing cameras of the paparazzi. Luckily Harry laid that blanket over the stroller.

We got to the car and Harry opened the backdoor for me, waiting in front of the door until I was ready. I lifted Aves out of her stroller and put her in her baby seat. I strapped her up and got in myself, sitting next to her. Harry closed the door and put our bags in the trunk before the drivers door opened and he got in to start driving and head onto the street.
Now we had a half an hour drive ahead of us.

„Thank god, we made it into the car." I breathed, checking on Avery who just woke up from her nap, looking at me with wide eyes. „Now, the most stressful part is over."

„Believe me, I'm more relieved than you are

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„Believe me, I'm more relieved than you are."

„Aww, look who woke up from her nap." I said in a high pitched voice, smiling down at Aves and touching the tip of her cute nose with the index of my finger. „And all this trouble just to get you home safely."

I saw Harry smiling in the front seat, glancing in the rearview mirror now and then.

„I love you, Haz." I leaned forward to place a kiss on his head.

„I love you too, Grace." He smiled.

30 minutes later, Harry pulled up in the driveway. I was surprised, I didn't fall asleep during the ride.

Harry got our bags and I picked up Avery. I stood still for a second, standing in front of our house, looking at it, admiring it and thinking of a week ago, when there were still just Harry and me. I felt Harry joining me as he stood next to me. He knew what I was thinking about and gently rubbed my back.

„Welcome home, Avery." He smiled, kissing her tiny head.

„Home sweet home." I whispered and felt my hormones already going crazy as tears formed in my eyes. „This is your home, little Aves and it will always be your home...forever and always."

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