Chapter 24

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I entered the big, scary building. My whole body was shaking when I went to the front desk.
„Hello, uhh, I'm here for Harry Styles." I silently said to the woman that sat behind the computer. „I was his emergency contact. Someone called me earlier."

„You must be miss Montgomery, the doctor informed me you would come." She smiled at me.

„Yes, that's right. Can...can I see him?" I asked her.

„Of course, he may be still asleep but you can wait in his room for him to wake up. Please follow me." She told me and got up from her seat.

On our way through the hallways she explained to me everything that happened and I felt the tears forming in my eyes. The kind woman rubbed my back when she saw how they slipped down my face. It felt like the hallways that led to him would never end.

„Here it is. You can go in." She said. „It's gonna be alright." She smiled at me again and turned around to go back.
I slowly entered the room and there he was, laying in the hospital bed in a hospital gown. He was asleep, like I was told and he had an IV in his hand. Machines were beeping around him. He didn't look good at all, he was completely pale. I could see he was in pain, because he was furrowing his eyebrows while sleeping.
He had a few bruises on his arms and some scratched on his face. His right knee was heavily bandaged and had a brace around it.
It hurt my heart seeing him like this.

It hurt my heart seeing him like this

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I sat down next to him on a chair, placed my hand carefully in his and waited for him to wake up

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I sat down next to him on a chair, placed my hand carefully in his and waited for him to wake up.
I watched him a few hours and played with his curls. I gave him a soft kiss on his lips and ran my hand through his soft hair when he slowly started to open his eyes.

„Hey you." I whispered and smiled at him when his eyes finally found me. „How are you feeling?"

„Sore...My whole body hurts." he barely whispered. „Where even am I?" he started looking around, wanting to get up.

„No, no please don't move, you just had surgery." I stopped him. „You are at the hospital. You were in an accident. They told me that you were crossing the street on the way to my house when a car didn't stop at the red light and hit you. You got hit pretty bad...Luckily someone found you and called the ambulance because the driver didn't stop to help you."

„Fuck, now I remember...I came to pick you up." He whispered.

„Yeah and apparently I was your emergency contact, so they called me." I told him, running my hand through his soft hair.

„And why does my whole body hurt like hell?" He asked.

„You had some internal bleeding and they had to do surgery on your belly." I explained and he instantly tried to pull up the gown to take a look at his belly.

„Stop it Harry, don't touch that, it will hurt even more if you do. Don't worry, when they called me and told me you had to get surgery, I practically yelled at them and told them not to ruin your beautiful tattoos."

„Don't make me laugh, please." he smiled. „But thank you."

„The accident also caused your ACL in your knee to tear so they had to do surgery on that too and one of your ribs is broken but they said that should be fine soon." I told him and felt how my voice got shaky.

„Why are you crying love?" he asked.

„It's just I thought you forgot about tonight and when I got that call, that you were in an accident and were in the hospital, I got so worried about you and I'm just so so glad that you're sort of okay now...After what happened to you, it showed me how much I really care about you. I don't wanna lose you and I realized this even more after that accident...I love you Harry, I love you so so much...I'm so in love with you..."

„I love you too, Grace and I could finally say it out loud now." he smiled and I leaned over him to place my lips on his.

„Could you go to my coat please?" he asked.

„Of course, why?" I got up and grabbed his coat that laid over a chair.

„There is something in the left pocket, can you bring it to me please?" he asked.

„Sure." I took a little, dark blue box out of the pocket and went back to his bed to give it to him.

„Tonight would've been a special night, because I wanted to ask you something...I wanted to ask you, will you be officially my girlfriend, Grace?" he asked and opened the box. A beautiful bracelet appeared with the letter H on it and next to the bracelet there was a pendant with the letter G.

„Yes, I do...I thought you'd never ask." I let out a little laugh and kissed him again.

„The bracelet was meant for you to always remember me." he smiled. „And the pendant would be for me, for my necklace, so I would always remember you."

„How sweet of you. Thank you so much Harry." I said and instantly let him put the bracelet around my wrist.

„Where is your necklace, I'll put the pendant on it."

„The nurse took it off when I went into surgery, it must be somewhere together with my other stuff." he said.

„Found it!" I took it out of a small bag and put the pendant on it. I got back to Harry and put it around his neck, where it belonged.

„By the way, you look stunning, Grace. I'm so sorry that happened tonight."

„Seriously, shut up. You could have died tonight, Harry. I could have lost you. And when I find that piece of shit who just drove away instead of helping you, I'm gonna kill him or her." I told him.

„It's fine Grace."

„No, it's not. Wait, am I the only one that knows about what happened?"

„Yes, I think so." he said.

„Don't you want to tell the boys or your mum or Gemma?"

„Yeah, but not tonight. I don't want them to worry about me now, I'll tell them tomorrow."

„If you say so." I said and noticed how his expression got serious again and how he furrowed his brows.

„What's wrong Harry?" I asked and got closer to him to take his hand. He squeezed it tight and didn't let go of it.

„It hurts so much." he gasped with tears forming in his eyes.

„Oh honey, I'm here for you, it's gonna be okay soon." I told him and took my shoes off to gently lay next to him in his bed. Luckily it was big enough for both of us.
I still held his hand and gently rubbed his cheek with the other one. I laid on my side and placed soft kisses on his head.

„I love you." he whispered and closed his eyes.

„I love you too. Get some sleep, I'm here and I'll stay here with you." I told him, running my hand through his hair.

„Thank you." He whispered and closed his eyes.

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