Chapter 81

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July, 39 weeks


39 weeks and 4 days, that was how far along in my pregnancy I was. I was feeling exhausted, uncomfortable and entirely fed up and Harry could tell. I was three days from my due date, I was convinced I wasn't going to make it, but most of that came from me being impatient. I was sick of waiting, I just wanted to meet our girl. To top it all off, the boys still had one show, it would be the first one after the shooting and it was tonight. I didn't know why they didn't wait longer to do a show after what happened at the last one but they said they will check every single one of the people twice and there would be more security guards and even police around the stadium.

„Sweetheart, are you sure you want to come tonight? I won't be mad if you'd rather just stay home and relax, you know that right? You're almost 40 weeks pregnant, no one is expecting you to be out and in the arena." Harry's voice was filled with concern.

He had been trying to talk me out of going all week but I made my decision and I wasn't intending on changing that.

„Harry, nothing you'll say is going to change my mind, so just give up, okay? I'm coming whether you like it or not and besides, doctor Smith said it would be even better to walk around so maybe the baby will finally come." I laughed, waddling over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck before placing a kiss on his nose.

„Fine, but make sure you stay with my mum the whole time okay? And if you feel anything tell her or Gemma or Lou." I smiled, I kind of loved how protective he was over me and our little one. I didn't doubt that he would just drop everything and leave if anything started happening, even if it was in the middle of their own show.

Anne wasn't even here yet, she would arrive later before the show started. She wanted to come and visit us and help us a little since I couldn't do that much anymore.

„I'll be fine, Haz, I promise, now go get dressed, the boys and Paul will be here in 15 minutes and we need to be ready to leave." I swatted his bare chest, playfully.

I slipped in one of Harry's shirts and a pair of my last actually fitting maternity jeans, which I thanked myself for buying all those months ago. Harry slipped in one of his colorful shirts and a pair of black jeans with a pair of boots before heading downstairs.

„Grace, do you want a cup of tea before we leave? I'm making one." He called from somewhere downstairs.

„Peppermint please!" I called back, grabbing my purse and slipping in my converse, that Harry had to tie for me, on my way out of the bedroom. I sat down on a barstool, watching Harry grabbing the mug from here and the tea from there.

„I'm excited to see you guys perform tonight, hopefully everything goes well this time."

„I'm excited for you to be there and I promise you, nothing is gonna happen, you're with my mum and everything is safer than last time." He said, placing my tea in front of me, pressing a quick kiss on my lips before taking a seat across from me. „I'm still a little worried though, what if you go into labor? It could happen, you've been full term for 2 weeks." His brow furrowed as he sipped on his tea.

I reached across the counter to hold his hand. „Haz, stop it, I'll be fine, I haven't felt anything even resembling a contraction, not even Braxton hicks, I'm positive it will be okay." I reassured, although I wasn't completely honest.

I had a few twinges of pain here and there over the last few hours but they felt not stronger than the Braxton hicks I was having for weeks so I just brushed it off. I didn't want him to miss their last show. I knew how much the fans meant to him and he didn't want to let them down by not being there and perform.

He smiled as he leaned forward to press his lips on mine.

We went on talking about the show and the baby whilst finishing my tea and just as I took the last sip, the doorbell rang. I grabbed my things, Harry tied my shoes and we walked out to the waiting car and headed off the venue.

„How are you feeling? Sure you're up for this?" Louis asked.

„You sound so much like Harry, he's been convincing me not to go all week, but I'm fine, the baby is perfect and I'm definitely up for this." I smiled, leaning into Harry's side, resting my head on his shoulder.

The car turned into the parking area of the stadium and I watched as fans stood behind the barricades, yelling and screaming, knowing very well who was in that blacked out van. The van parked in front of the entrance, we got out and I followed Harry in, making our way to the dressing room where I was met by a very happy Lou.

„Hii loves! Ahh look at you! You're about to pop!" She pulled me in a hug before standing back to look at me again.

„Hey Lou, I know, I'm massive!" I joked.

„Oh hush, you look gorgeous, I could only have dreamed to look this good when I was pregnant with Lux, I'm so jealous! Now Harry, let's get you ready with the other ones." Harry gave me a kiss before he got dragged by Lou towards hair and makeup.

„Haz, I'm starving so I'm going to head to catering, your mum texted and said her and Gemma are 5 minutes away." I called.

„Okay, love, can you grab me something too? A sandwich or something?"

„Will do, I'll be back in a sec." I wandered out of the room towards catering, quickly grabbing a couple sandwiches and a bottle of water before heading back to the dressing room.

„Hello there!" A familiar voice called from down the hallways, what made me walk out to look up and find Gemma and Anne walking towards me, arms open.

„Oh honey, look at you! I can't wait to meet this grand baby." Anne said before hugging me too.

„I'm excited too. How have you been, Anne? We didn't see each other since we were in Manchester."

„I'm great, darling, how are you?"

„Fine, I'm fine. Just waiting for miss Styles to come out." I let out a laugh and they both smiled at me.

Gemma was great during the end of my pregnancy. She always helped me with everything when Harry was working and we just had to greatest time together.

We all wandered back to the dressing room and chatted while Harry continued to get ready. The room slowly filled as the other boys were ready and came in. More friends and family of the boys arrived, greeting all of us. Harry eventually came too and greeted everyone of them. It was so great to see all of their families and how much love they had for them.

„Okay everyone, show time!" The stage manager announced, Harry quickly turning to me, giving me a long good luck kiss, his hands resting on my bump before lowering down, rolling up my shirt and placing a gentle kiss on my belly. He developed a pre show tradition a few months ago, he couldn't go on stage without kissing both his loves.

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