Chapter 140

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June 2021
Over the next hours I labored and worked through my contractions with Harry's help, doing more walking and pacing around the room. Harry staying with me the entire time, holding my hand or rubbing my back, helping me rock my hips or letting me lean on him when the pain got too much to bear on my own.
When my contractions started coming right on top of each other, I started to feel like I couldn't do this anymore, that this baby was never going to come and that I just wanted to sleep, losing my resolve.

„I wanna get in the tub!" I cried, as a pain started, crying out and holding on tightly to Harry as I leaned against him.

„Okay, okay." He murmured, whispering comforting words in my ear until the pain passed. He walked me gingerly to the bathroom, drawing the bath and holding his fingers under the water until it was warm enough. I tried to focus on my breathing as he helped lower me into the tub. This time, there wasn't as much comfort in the warm water as there had been before, and I kneeled in the warm water, leaning over the edge of the tub. Harry squatted in front of me, looking me over with gentle eyes.

My moans were now continuous, the contractions right on top of each other and stronger than ever.

„Oh my God!" I groaned, shifting uncomfortably, trying to pant, the pressure growing between my legs. „Harry, I have to push. The baby is coming right now!"

Harry paled a little, his eyes widening a little, as he hit the call button for the midwife, who came running into the room, finding us both in the bathroom. She took one look at me and knew exactly what was going on, snapping on some gloves.

„Are you comfortable there, love?" She asked, going to kneel at the other side of the tub.

I could only manage a nod.

„Go ahead and push when you need to." She murmured.

I could feel the next contraction coming, the pressure growing and when it did, I pushed hard, grabbing onto Harry's shoulders and burying my face into his neck, crying out loudly in pain.

„Oh, Harry, it hurts!" I whimpered into his neck, as I pushed for a few seconds longer and then relaxed.

„I know." He murmured. „I know it does, baby, but you're doing so well."

„Well done, love. Go right back at it." My midwife said gently, placing a hand on my shoulder as I pushed again.

Harry watched as more and more of the baby's head became visible with each push, in awe at the whole thing.

I pushed for another half hour, Harry whispering soothing words in my ear each time I did. I never let go of his shoulders, never taking my face from his neck.
I cried out sharply as the pain suddenly changed.

„You're going to feel a little burning, love, this is the worst part, baby's crowning. Take nice deep breaths for me, let the baby come."

„I'm scared." I whimpered.

Harry kissed my head. „Don't be scared, baby, you're okay, I'm here."

Harry breathed with me, his lips pressed into my hair from time to time.

„I can't!" I cried. „Harry, I can't."

He kissed my hair. „Yes you can, my love, I'm right here with you. I've got you. Our baby is right there, it's coming." His voice shook with the tears caught in his throat and welled in his eyes.

„Little pushes for me." My midwife instructed. „You're doing beautifully."

I pushed, following her instruction.

„That's my girl. You're doing so good, sweetheart." Harry whispered to me.

„Can you see the baby?" I moaned, letting the breath go.
Harry nodded, smiling a little, looking down.

„Yeah, I can see our little one."

With the next push, the midwife announced that the head was out.

„Our baby is beautiful, sweetheart." Harry murmured to me.

„One more push and we'll meet your baby, here, honey." My midwife smiled at me.

I panted harshly and with a yell breaking from my throat I bore down one more time, Harry keeping a constant stream of words in my ear, watching carefully as the baby slid into the midwife's hands and she brought it to the surface of the water and through my legs, guiding it up onto my chest.

„Congratulations you two, it's a boy!" My midwife announced as he gave a loud wail, a piercing cry that filled the room.

I let out a gasp, and an „Oh!" in surprise, as I let go of Harry's shoulders to cradle Our baby boy to my chest. „Oh, hello." I whispered, tears welling in my eyes and falling down my cheeks.

„It's a boy, Harry." I cried, letting my head fall against his shoulder. „It's a boy." I repeated, whispering.

„We have a beautiful baby boy." Harry said with tears slipping down his cheeks and a bright smile on his face.

We both burst into tears as we looked at each other. Harry kept one arm around me and stroke the baby's head with his free hand.

„Hi, hi, baby. Hello my baby boy." I cried, leaning down to kiss his forehead, before looking up at Harry who had burst into tears again, the tears streaming down his face, a shaky hand clapped to his mouth in awe. „Welcome to the world Arlo Harry Styles." I whispered to him.

„You want his second name to be Harry?" Harry asked, smiling at me in surprise.

We knew for weeks now what we wanted to name our baby if it was a boy, but we never talked about a second name.

„I do. I want him to have your name...his fathers name." I told him.

Harry let out a laugh as he gently traced his thumb along Arlo's ear. He looked down at him with a watery smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek, as Arlo continued to cry softly on my chest. „Hello my sweet boy." He cooed to him, two green eyes blinking up at him. „Daddy loves you so much." He whispered. „Glad you could make it." He said to him, then kissed the shell of his ear. „Your mummy got through a lot to get you here. I love you so much and your sister can't wait to meet you too."

I grabbed Harry's chin and brought him up to meet my eyes, so I could press my lips on his for a heartfelt kiss as Arlo's crying eased into a watery gurgle and we both looked down at him.

„He's so beautiful, sweetheart." Harry cried, leaning in closer. „Absolutely perfect." He cupped my cheeks in his hands, leaning in to kiss my lips again and then my forehead. „I'm so proud of you. I love you."

„I love you too." I cried.

„Would you like to cut the cord?" The midwife asked, pushing a pair of scissors into Harry's hands as he nodded, showing him where to cut between two clamps.

„I'm so glad you're here, my love." Harry murmured to him. „I love you so much little Arlo. More than anything in the world." Then his  eyes met mine. „Just like I love your mummy and sister...and I promise you, we will protect you all your life and will always be here for you. I love you my baby boy."

And the feeling was back. The most special feeling of this heartwarming moment. I felt it the last time right after Avery was born and now I felt it again. So much love was in this room and I couldn't stop looking at my precious newborn baby boy.

„Welcome to the world, Arlo." Harry whispered, kissing his cheek.

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