Chapter 26

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„Let's get you to the guest room instead of your own room, you can't walk up these stairs." I told him as we entered his house.
I led him to the room until we stood in front of the bed. I laid my arms around his waist again and helped him sitting down on the edge of the bed. I took his shoes off and put his legs up on the bed.
„We finally did it." I said as my sweat was already running down my back when I went to get a pillow to put it under his injured knee.

„Yeah, finally it's over, it hurt like hell." he said.

„I'm sorry, I'll get you your medicine." I said. „Do you need anything else?"

„No, thank you. You already did enough for me."
I smiled at him and left to go back to the car to get his pills. When I got back in the house, I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and ice.

„Here, take these and drink water." I told him and handed him over the glass with the pills. „And here is ice for the knee." I gently placed the bag over the bandage around his leg.

„Thank you love." he formed a little smile.

I sat down on the bed next to him, so I would face him. I ran my hand through his hair and worriedly looked at his pale, exhausted face while he took his medicine. I placed my hand on his forehead to feel his temperature, seeing he was sweating everywhere.

„You're hot, Harry." I said with my hand still on his head. His forehead was burning.

„I know I am, I mean look at me." he smiled, joking around. His voice was raspier than usually and I noticed he had a cough.

„I'm serious." I laughed. „I mean you're right, you are hot, but I think you have a fever Harry."

„Why are you so worried, Grace?" he asked.

„Because instead of getting better, you just get worse and I don't want that. I don't like seeing you like this." I told him.

„Like what?"

„Oh you know exactly like what. You look pale, are sweating everywhere, your forehead is burning and you have a cold. I want you to recover not feeling miserable."

„Don't worry about me, love." he said and took my hand. „I'm going to be fine, thanks to you."

„Hopefully. Promise me you will rest until you recovered." I smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him.

„Hey, you're going to get sick too if you continue kissing me." he said, smiling at me.

„I don't care." I told him and got up to cover him with the blanket. „But promise me this, please."

„I promise, I will rest." he finally said.

„I love you." I said to him.

„I love you more." he answered with his eyes closed, trying to sleep. I placed a kiss on his forehead and left the room.

It was late now, I watched TV to let Harry sleep and sat on the couch with my tablet in my hands, designing some clothes for the shop.
Olivia took over the shop until Harry fully recovered.
At around 10 pm I went to his room, seeing he was still sleeping. I got ready to go to sleep, because I was tired as hell and just wanted to lay down and close my eyes.
I came out of the bathroom and saw Harry's cute, sick face, buried in a pillow. He wore his hair up in a bun while he doze off.
I slowly picked up the blanket and went in bed, right next to him. I was facing him and gently leaned my forehead against his.
He still felt really warm and sweaty, what made me worry.

„Grace?" I woke up in the middle of the night to Harry's sick voice sounding in my ears and his hand squeezing mine.

„What's wrong?" I asked with my eyes still closed. It took me a minute until I opened them and sat up to look at Harry.

„I feel sick." he breathed out and covered his face with his hands.

„You mean like sick, sick?" I asked again.

„I feel like I would throw up any minute." He nodded so I jumped up to get a bucket in case he did. I came back just in time when he bent over to empty his stomach.

„You poor guy." I rubbed his back. „Let it out, you will feel better afterwards."

I couldn't imagine how bad he felt. He just had surgery and had a wound that hurt him and now he got the flu or something.
He held one hand on his stomach, I could only imagine how it hurt every time he bent over to throw up or to cough.
After he let everything out, he let himself fall back down in bed again and I put away the bucket.

„Are you feeling better?" I asked as I got back.

„A little." he answered.

„Here is some water." I handed him over a glass I got from the kitchen. He took it but didn't drink much of it.
I got back in bed next to him as he grabbed my hand to squeeze it.
„God you're shivering everywhere." I realized as I laid next to him.

„That's because it's so cold in here." he said.

„You must be pretty sick because it's not cold at all in here." I told him. „I'll get you an extra blanket so you can warm yourself up a bit."

„Thanks." he said. I got him the blanket and tucked him in. „I feel miserable, I don't wanna feel like that anymore, it's exhausting..." I saw the tears forming in his eyes and one slipped down his cheek soon.

„Oh, honey, I know you do and you're in a lot of pain. I'll do everything to make you feel better. I'm here for you." I said and got back to bed next to him. I wiped his tears away and placed my hand in his. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and his head.

„I just want to be fit again and regain my strength. I want to sing and jump around, like I did before." he whispered.

„You will soon. It's gonna be fine and you will be stronger than ever when you do. In a few weeks or months, you will be back on stage with the boys but now you need time, your body needs time to recover from what happened." I told him, gently rubbing my thumb over his cheek. „I'm here for you and I always will."

„I love you so much." he sobbed, whispering and laid his arm around me to hug me tight.

„I love you too. Now try to sleep again, I'm here if you need me again." I told him and he closed his eyes. I held him in my arms until we both fell asleep.

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