Chapter 69

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April, 28 weeks
The next day we got ready in our hotel rooms to head to the late late studio. I put on a pair of leggings and a shirt while Harry wore jeans and a t-shirt since we would get dressed there and get our hair and make up done by their stylists.
So we just took our clothes that we wanted to wear at the show with us to the studio to change later.
A few minutes after we all were ready, the van came to pic us all up and drove us to the huge studio. I was still tired, most likely jet lagged but I just had to do this interview so it was alright.

It was not a long drive, the driver eventually stopped right in front of the studio. We got out of the car and grabbed our bags from the trunk. Harry of course carried mine too because he wouldn't let me carry it myself. The staff led us through the building to our dressing room. We already had to go and get our hair done and I had to get my make up done. The woman who did my hair and make up was really nice. She asked me lots about my pregnancy and told me of her experiences when she had her first child. We had a pretty nice chat and I was happy to talk to another woman about the pregnancy because the only ones I could really talk about it were my mum and Anne on the phone and sometimes Lou, the hair stylist of the boys who wasn't here right now.
Her name was Rita and she did a cute make up, very natural and put my hair up in a ponytail.

Since we all had to share one dressing room, Rita suggested to get ready in the room where she did my hair and stuff. She offered to help me and I was really thankful for that.
I put on a tight white dress, one of the last ones that still fit me and put a cardigan over my shoulders.

I put on a tight white dress, one of the last ones that still fit me and put a cardigan over my shoulders

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„Thank you so much, Rita. It was so nice talking to you." I smiled at her and gave her a hug before I left to go back to the boys.
When I got back, I saw the boys were all ready, just waiting for the show to start.
Harry was still changing his shirt to a blue one and put a black blazer on.

Harry was still changing his shirt to a blue one and put a black blazer on

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„You ready, love?" He asked me while buttoning up his shirt.

„Yup, I just have to put on my shoes." I told him. I was walking around barefoot and had to get my flat shoes, matching to my outfit as another of their stylists came in. It wasn't Rita this time, she was a lot younger, maybe even younger than me. She held up a pair of pretty tall high heels in my direction, looking at me.

„Miss Montgomery, here are your shoes." She told me, probably not knowing this wasn't my name anymore. I just shrugged it off, maybe she just didn't know.

„Oh no, it's fine, I'll wear my flats." I smiled at her, slipping into my shoes.

„No, you can't wear those, you have to wear these heels." She then said, chewing her gum and rolling her eyes. Even the boys had her attention now. I looked up at her.

„Look, I'm sorry I can't wear them, their too tall and uncomfortable for me now." I tried to be nice, still smiling at her.

„Miss Montgomery, it's not about if they're comfortable, I don't really care about that, it's about if they look good with your outfit." She started and was clearly annoyed. „With that dress you're wearing, you have to wear those. It looks better and you should know that as a famous fashion designer." She looked up and down my body.

„Alright listen, I tried to be nice to you, but I think there is just no other way you'll get this." I slightly raised my voice, seeing Harry next to me with widened eyes, smiling and crossing his arms. He knew it wasn't good if someone was messing with me, mostly because my hormones were going crazy but I think he enjoyed to listen, so he let me go on. „You obviously have no idea how it is to be pregnant. I am 7 months pregnant right now, I'm carrying a child in me, I have back pains and my feet hurt, so no, I will not wear 11 centimeters high heels just because you think it looks better with the dress. When I tell you they're uncomfortable and too tall for me, then fucking accept it and let me wear what I want! And yes, as a fashion designer I know that, but I also know that a woman should feel comfortable, wearing the clothes she wants. Do you understand that?!" I finished and saw how she got more frightened every second.

„Okay, I'm sorry miss Montgomery." She quietly said.

„And my name is Styles, Grace Styles!" I almost yelled at her as she made her way out of the dressing room.

„Shit, I love you so much right now." Harry laughed and came to hug me from behind. „By the way, you look beautiful." He smiled.

„Sorry guys, I just had to let the steam off." I told them when I turned around and saw they were looking at me with big eyes and their mouths open.

„No need to apologize, that was great." Louis smiled with a little laugh. „You killed it. And that's what I call the Tommo way." He laughed and the others bursted out laughing too.

They called us soon to go backstage so the show could start.
I followed the boys with Harry walking behind me. I heard how James announced us and the door opened for us to go on stage. It was an incredible feeling to walk past the audience who were clapping and cheering. I heard some of them calling me, so I smiled at them and waved on our way over to the couch.

„Hey, Grace." James hugged me after exchanging kisses. „Oh my god, you're pregnant, I didn't even know!" He said when he looked at me.

„Hey James, yeah I am." I laughed at his cute expression.

He welcomed the boys and we sat down on the couch. Harry sat next to me on my right, Louis sat on my left and Liam, Niall and Zayn sat next to Louis on my left.

„Welcome guys, welcome Grace, it's great to have you here." He started and the audience started cheering again.

„Grace, you're pregnant. Congratulations to you two. I was literally so shocked because I didn't even know." He laughed.

„Thank you." Harry and I both said in a choir.

„How far along are you, Grace?"

„28 weeks, well 7 months now." I told him.

„Wow already 7 months. Is it a boy or a girl?" He looked at Harry.

„It's a girl." Harry told him, looking at me.

„Another miss Styles then." James smiled. „Do you have a name already?"

„We have some ideas." Harry told him and placed his hand on my thigh. I was relieved he didn't say the name, because I didn't want the world to know yet.

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