Chapter 28

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I sat in front row, watching the four of them and listened to the songs they were rehearsing. They tried to do a choreography to What makes you beautiful. It didn't really work, everyone was doing something different. They were mostly laughing and playing around so they just decided to do it without the choreography, as always. It was funny to watch and I enjoyed listening to them but there was just something missing. And that was Harry's voice. The four of them sounded wonderful but not like One Direction. The deep raspy voice was simply missing.
They just finished singing a song and had a quick break.

„Grace?" I heard the deep voice that would complete One Direction.

„Harry? What are you doing here?" I jumped up and ran up to him.
He was half bending over while holding onto the side barrier.

„Grace?" He asked again for me when I stood right in front of him.

„What's wrong, Harry." I asked concerned.

„Something is not right...something doesn't feel right..." He said, squeezing his eyes shut.

„What is it? What is not feeling right?"

„The incision, it suddenly hurts so much, that I can't even take the pain anymore." he breathed.

„Can I take a look at it?" I asked and waited until he nodded.

I gently pulled up his shirt and took the bandage away. He winced as I put it on again and slightly pressed on it.

„Sorry." I said. „I can't see anything that's wrong, it looks good. Did you take your pills?" I asked him.

„Fuck, I forgot." He quietly said.

„Well no wonder it hurts like hell, honey." I said as I saw tears already slipping down his cheeks.

„God, is it that bad?" I asked him.
I knew when he was crying something must have been really really wrong. He was a strong guy and it took a lot to make him cry.

„Mhm." He let out in pain.

„What's wrong?" The boys asked, looking worriedly down from the stage to us.
They all came down and headed rowards us.
„He is in a lot of pain right know, he forgot to take his medicine." I told them.

„Oh Harold, sit down here." Niall said and helped him sitting down on one of the empty chairs in the arena.

„Could you guys maybe stay with him for a moment? I have his pills in my purse but they're in the dressing room." I asked them.

„Of course we can." Zayn said and rubbed his back.

I went backstage and made my way to the dressing room, took the pills out of my purse, grabbed a bottle of water and got back where the boys were.
Some people of the staff backstage watched me and looked weird at me. It made me feel a bit insecure and uncomfortable bit I tried to ignore them as good as I could. The only oerson that was so nice and caring to me, was Paul. He was so kind and polite to me and treated me like one of the boys.

„Here swallow these, the pain will be gone in a few minutes." I told Harry and handed him over the water and his medicine.

„Thank you." he said.

„I'll be right back Harry." I told him and turned back around when he grabbed my hand.

„Where are you going?" he asked.

„Just to the, uh to the toilet." I said and left.

I was on my way backstage again because I suddenly didn't feel that good. I didn't want Harry to know, he already didn't feel good and it wouldn't be any help if he saw me like this.
My head was pounding so I wanted to freshen myself up a bit in the bathroom but on my way there I felt really dizzy, everything was spinning so I sat down on the floor before I may collapse. I was shaking and bent my legs so I could pull them close to my chest. I leaned against a wall and closed my eyes with my head rested against the wall, hoping the dizziness would fade away soon.

„Are you okay?" I looked up to see Harry standing in front of me.

„Y-yes, yes. I just got a bit tired." I told him and got back up. Luckily I felt better so he didn't notice.

„How is the pain?" I asked him.

„A lot better, luckily you had the pills with you."

„I knew you would going to forget them at some point so I always take them with me." I smiled at him.

„You know me better than I do." he smiled back. „Listen I just talked to the boys and had an idea. What do you think if we stay here and watch the show? We can sit on the side of the stage, where no one can see us."

„Sure, if you feel good, of course."

He came closer to me, placed his hands on my waist and looked intensely down in my eyes.

„Are you really okay?" He asked. „You seem a bit off."

„No, no, I'm fine, totally fine. I'm more worried about you, you shouldn't be walking around alone without any help." I told him.

„I'm not a little kid, Grace." he laughed.

„Yeah but what if you trip and fall over, you fall all the time on stage." I laughed back at him.

For some reason I just had the need to hug him so I wrapped my arms tight around his back, trying not to hurt him. I buried my face in his chest and held my ear to his heart so I could hear his pulse. He instinctively laid his hand on my head and rubbed my back.

„What was that for?" he smiled down at me.

„I uh, I just needed to hear your give me safety when I'm in your arms." I told him.

„You're so sweet." he placed a kiss on my head and rubbed my back.

„Let's get you up on stage, maybe you can say hi to the fans." I said and laid my arm around his waist to head towards the stage.

A few minutes later we found ourselves on the side of the stage so we could perfectly see the boys performing. Harry sat down on a chair and I stood next to him to watch them. We saw how everyone entered the stadium, the fans were already freaking out and waiting for the boys. Shortly after the arena was filled, they appeared on stage.

„Hey guys, how are you tonight?" Liam said into the mic and everyone cheered.

„Where is Harry?" Someone in front row screamed.

„Well, as you know, he was in an accident a few weeks ago, so we had to do the last few shows without him, but he is already feeling better and he really misses you guys. He is actually here." Niall explained and all four of them looked to us, to Harry. The crowd started yelling his name and wanted to see him.

„Can I get on stage quick?" Harry asked me.

„Yeah, go." I smiled at him and he got up from his chair.

„It looks like he wants to say hi to you guys." Niall smiled as he saw Harry limping on stage and ran over to him to help him.

„Make some noise for mister Styles here!" Louis yelled in the mic and the crowd went crazy.

Zayn gave Harry a mic so he could say something to them.

„Hey guys, how are you. I'm really sorry I can't perform tonight and probably the next few shows too, I still don't have quite the strength to do that but I will be back soon. Thanks to all of you for understanding, I really miss you guys and can't wait to go on stage to sing for you again." The fans carefully listened to what he said.

„Aaaaaw." I heard them after he finished talking.

„Everyone say get well soon to Harry!" Zayn told them and the crowd immediately went in a chorus. „Get well soon Harry!"
He smiled at that, waved them goodbye and went off stage again.

They continued the show and started singing. At some point throughout the show, the dizziness I had earlier, kicked in again and everything was spinning again. I turned around and backed off a little so Harry wouldn't notice. I started shaking again and felt like I would pass out any minute. I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake it off. It didn't work obviously.
I couldn't really walk straight anymore and held onto everything that was standing around. I tripped on something and almost fell. I bent down and rested my hands on my thighs, trying to take deep breaths.

„What's wrong, Grace?" I felt Harry's hand on my back.

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