Chapter 120

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July 2019
„What was that?" He asked confused.

„What was what?" I shrugged it off.

„Why did you wince? You alright?"

„Yes, yeah, you just have cold hands and I wasn't expecting that." I smiled at him.

„Oh, okay." He pressed a kiss on my lips. „Listen, we have to go now or else I'll be late." Harry said.
Avery loved to listen to the boys and since it was her birthday, we wanted to take her with us to the show and make her happy.

„Are you excited to see daddy sing tonight?" I crouched down to kiss her cheek.

„Yees!" She nodded with the biggest smile on her face.

„Come on, let's go then and see your uncles." Harry picked her up and held her close in his arms to spread kisses all over her, making her giggle.

„No, daddy!" She giggled.

„I love you...I love you...I love you." He said in between kissing her.

„I wuv you, daddy." She smiled at him and buried her head in the crook of his neck.

We gathered our things together, said goodbye to Olivia and went outside to the car. On our way to the arena, Avery fell asleep in the backseat with her teddy bear in her arms.

„It's so weird to know, that today one year ago we were at the arena too and Avery was born." I told Harry, thinking about that night.

„She is growing up so fast already." He looked into the rear view mirror, smiling.

„Yeah, sometimes I want her to be that tiny newborn baby again."

„Now she's already walking." He smiled at me, placing his hand on my thigh.

We arrived at the arena where people were already lined up in front of the building, waiting to go in.
Harry parked the car in the parking area in the back of the arena. He grabbed his bag from the trunk while I got Avery from the backseat. She was still sleeping, but as I started unstrapping her, she slowly woke up, rubbing her eyes.

„Well hello sleepyhead." I smiled at her and picked her up, out of her car seat. „Are you tired?" I asked her, running my hand through her thin, brown hair.

„No." She shook her head, leaning against my shoulder. „Daddy sing!" She pointed to Harry as he locked the car and we headed to the entrance.

„Daddy is gonna sing later." He told her. „I'm gonna sing a song just for you, sweetie."

She smiled, clapping her hands as we walked through the door and the hallways. She sat on my hip, but leaned to Harry who was walking next to me and started playing with his hair. She twirled his long locks around her tiny fingers and pulled at them now and then.

„Avery stop." I took her hand. „You're hurting daddy." I told her and she did what I said. She started kicking around in my arms, so I let her down on the floor.

„Give me your hand, sweetie. I don't want you to get lost here." Harry reached down for her tiny hand and she let hers slip in his.

We went to Harry's dressing room and greeted everyone on our way there. Later we all had dinner and the boys had to go on stage soon.
They were right backstage, but Avery just wanted to stay in Harry's arms. He adjusted his earpieces as he let her get a glance outside to look at the crowd.

„Daddy!" She pointed towards the crowd. He grinned and nodded.

„Yeah, you're going to watch daddy from right there." He pointed to the first row. „Are you going to have fun tonight?" We both watched as she quickly nodded.

„On in 5 guys!" Paul called them as they all began to gather.

„Go to mummy, yeah?" Harry crouched down and let her out of his arms.
She ran to me and grabbed my hand.

I watched as each boy made last minute preparations before forming a huddle. Avery held tight onto my leg, watching as a prayer was said within the group before they separated. My eyes followed as Harry leaned down to Avery's height and smiled.

„Have fun tonight, my love." He opened his arms for her. „Good luck for daddy?" She shot into his arms, her arms barely fully wrapping around his neck as she hugged him. He grinned before pulling back. She grabbed his face in her hands and pulled him in, her lips smashing into his with a loud ,muah'.

„Thank you, sweetie. Happy birthday angel. I love you." He smiled and pushed her curls off her forehead.

„Wuv you, daddy." She giggled and ran over to me, her arms wrapping around my legs again. I smiled and watched as Harry followed and made his way towards me, his lips pressing on mine. His hand was placed on my back and he pulled away with a grin on his face.

„Good luck, sweetheart." I whispered against his lips, our noses brushing against one another. He pressed a kiss on my forehead. A giggle escaped my lips before Paul interrupted.

„Harry, we got to go!" He kissed me on my lips once more before an ,I love you' escaped his lips and I watched as he walked away, turning back to give Avery a tiny wave.

„Ready, Sunshine?" I smiled and held out my hand, watching as she took it.

„There you guys are!" A happy Eleanor made her way over. „Ready for the concert, cutie?" She smiled down at Avery.

„Actually, we'll be watching from the front row tonight because of her birthday. Right, honey?" I asked and looked down at her, her fingers in mouth as she nodded.

„Even better!" She took Avery's free hand in hers and led the way out into the crowd, the screaming almost deafening as we got closer. I had to admit I was nervous, not only for myself, but for Avery. She had never been out in the crowd before and I didn't know how she would react. Exhaling through my teeth, I squeezed through a couple of eager fans to the front seats directly in front of the stage.

„Daddy?" Avery looked up at me. Eleanor lifted her into her arms and I smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear.

„He'll be out soon, my love." I watched as she scanned the arena, innocently waving to a few fans that waved at her before burying her head into Eleanor's neck.

Her eyes darted to the stage when she heard the drums bang, her eyes quickly trying to find her father. She looked over at me and I shot her a smile before grasping on to the railing for support.

„How're you guys doing tonight?!" The loud Irish voice came through the speakers, causing the fans to go crazy. All at once, the 5 boys popped onto the stage, causing the screams to reach a higher pitch. Avery shrieked and pointed to Harry and began clapping her hands, excitement escaping her.

„Let's get this thing started!" Harry screamed out, making his way around the stage and firing up the crowd.

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