Chapter 106

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It was three weeks later, I was busy almost everyday, finishing those clothes. And I did it. I got finished in time, had plenty of time for the fitting and rehearsals and the show afterwards was great. Harry and Liv were there and even Lottie, Gemma and Louise came. I was so proud of myself when it was over and I did my speech as always. I enjoyed every second of the evening, even if it was pretty stressful the past few weeks.

Of course, Harry was so supportive and it was my first fashion show since I had Avery, so I was extra proud and happy when I saw her sitting on Harry's lap during the show, his arms clutched tight around her to prevent her from falling.

„And you really don't wanna go to the afterparty?" Harry asked me as we sat in the car on our way home after the show. „I can still turn around."

„No, it's fine." I shook my head. „Let the girls celebrate, they earned it and after all the hectic backstage, I just wanna go home and spend the night with you two, my family. I haven't seen you so much lately and I miss you." I told him.

„I miss you too." He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh.

We got home and spent the rest of the night in the living room, playing with Avery who turned three months old now. She grew so much again and was constantly trying to grab things.

„Ouch, you have a tight grip, lady!" Harry laughed as she squeezed his finger.

He laid on the carpet besides the couch and Avery laid on his stomach, trying to get his rings off his fingers.

„Hey, what's in that package by the way?" I asked Harry, looking down at the box that was standing at the entrance of the house.

„I don't know, I took it inside the house, but haven't had the time to open it yet." He answered, lifting Avery up over his head, what made her squeak if joy and Harry started smiling at her as she did that.

„Wait, it's from Glasgow. My mum sent it." I noticed her name on the sticker that was on the box.

„Oh really? What did she send us?" Harry wondered and sat up with Avery on his shoulder.

„I have no idea, she didn't say she would send anything."

„Well, open it then." He shrugged his shoulders.

„I'm on it." I knelt down in front of the box and pulled away the brown tape around it. I reached into the box and took a cart out of it. „A little present for my granddaughter to celebrate her three months of living in this world. Ps.: Look what I found..." I read out loud.

Harry laid Avery down on her play mat and made his way towards me. He sat down next to me with his long legs stretched out on the floor.

„Aw, look how cute, she sent us baby clothes for our sunshine." He took some shirts and small pants out of the box.

„Yeah, and you know what?" I grinned at him. He raised his brows, looking at me. „Those were my baby clothes from when I was a baby."

„No way!" His smile grew wider. „Aw, look at those tiny shoes." He took a pair out of the box that looked like they were made for a doll.

„They're so old, I can't believe she still had those clothes." I told him, surprised.

„A mother keeps this kind of stuff." Harry said „At least we don't have to go baby shopping the next few months."

„You're right, but I have to wash them first, they smell like a basement." I said.

„You should call your mum. That's so sweet that she sent us those." Harry suggested.

„It's way too late now, I'll call her tomorrow."

„Alright." He got up from the floor and waited for me to out the clothes back into the package only to take my hands and pull me up on my feet.

„Why did I decide to wear high heels at the show?" I let out, grimacing in pain as I got up. „My feet hurt like hell and I think I twisted my ankle somehow." I laughed, still holding Harry's hand.

„I told you it was too soon to wear those heels after your pregnancy." He chuckled and led me to the couch. I plopped down and rested my legs on the couch.

„You were right, once again." I rolled my eyes.

He smiled, sitting down next to me and before I knew it, he grabbed my legs and placed them on his thighs.

„Do you wish a foot massage, Mrs. Styles?" He asked with a grin on his face.

„That would actually help a lot." I admitted and he instantly started. „Ugh this feels sooo good." I breathed as his hands pressed around on the soles of my feet.

„I take that as a compliment." He said.

After a while I released him from massaging my feet.

He went upstairs and brought Avery to bed before coming down to the living room again.

I patted on my lad for him to lay down. He sat on the couch and laid down with his head resting on my thighs.

I bent down to press soft kisses on his forehead and ran my hand through his soft hair, slightly scratching his scalp.


„Hmm?" He opened his eyes to look at me.

„You know, you can have a night out with the boys if you want. You know that, right?" I asked him kind of shy.

He never complained about it or anything, but I realized, he never had a night out again with some friends of his in a really long time and I didn't want to stop him.

„Why suddenly this question, love?"

„I just don't want to hold you back here at the house with me and Aves. You haven't had a night out in a long time and I just thought maybe you wanted to go out sometimes again." I started blabbering. „Avery and I will be fine if you want to go out, it's really oka-."

„I'm gonna stop you right there." He said with a laugh. „I'm here with you and Avery because I want to be with you. Of course it would be nice to night to have a night out again, but I'm working the whole day and when I come home, I just want to spend time with my family. That's all, don't worry about it, Grace." He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

„Okay, but remember, you can go out sometimes if you want to. I'm not stopping you from doing anything."

„It almost sounds like you want me out of the house." He said in a high voice.

„Of course not! You know what I mean, Haz."

„I do." He said softly smiling at me. „Grace?"

„Yeah?" I traced my finger along his bird tattoos that were showing on his chest.

„You did a great job with that fashion show. I'm so proud of you. And I loved your speech." He told me.

„Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you." I bent down and pressed another kiss on his forehead.

„Grace?" He asked again, getting more serious now.

„Yes, honey?"

„I wanted to talk to you about something that has been on my mind lately." He told me and I was starting to get a bit nervous.

„Did something happen?" I wondered.

„No." He assured me. „I know you don't wanna hear this, but it's just that I thought about it a lot..."

„Go on." I said with a soft voice.

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