Chapter 66

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He smiled and sat down in the chair across from me. We looked at the menu and quickly ordered when the waitress came over. I smiled and took a sip of water.

„I didn't realize how hungry I was until I got here." I giggled.

„Well, you're eating for two now." He smiled.

„That I am. Speaking of it, don't forget we have another appointment in two days."

„I can't wait to see her again." He smiled.

„Hey, uhm I have a question, Harry." I was now serious.

„What is it, love?"

„Well, it's not really a question, it's more like a feeling or something I have to get off my chest, because we never really talked about it." I started and his eyes were fixed on mine as I got his attention and he carefully listened. „At around this time now, we would already be parents..." I quietly let out.

„Oh, you mean?"

„Mhm." I nodded. „I just sometimes feel like I could have done more you know? I sometimes feel guilty and empty inside because I know something is missing and I know it's him or her. Our baby didn't deserve to die and leave this world so early when it wasn't even born yet. Even if we didn't get to know our baby, I really miss it sometimes." I admitted.
Harry looked at me with wide eyes and took my hand to rub his thumb over it.

„Listen, you don't ever have to feel guilty. You couldn't have done more, you didn't know, there was no way. It is unfair, he or she deserved a beautiful life with us but somehow the universe didn't let it to be this way and I don't know why. But I know that he or she is up there in a beautiful place right now and probably watching us. He or she will forever protect her or his sister when she's born and we will tell her about her sister or brother. I know that it's not your fault and you have to stop blaming yourself." He told me as tears filled my eyes. „I miss our baby too, everyday but the universe gave us a miracle. It gave us our princess that is growing inside of you right now and I can't wait to meet her soon." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. „Okay? Don't blame yourself, love. It's not your fault."

„Okay." I nodded, trying not to let the tears fall down my cheeks. „I'm glad we talked about this because I just had to let it out, I guess."

„It's good you did." He smiled.

„You know, I'm more than happy to soon hold our princess. I love her so much already and I would do everything for her."

„I know you do love, me too. And I can't believe we'll be holding her in our arms in just a few months." He said.

„I can't wait." I said. „Although, I'm nervous about the whole labor process." I sighed.

„I bet, but you're going to do a fantastic job." He smiled.

„I hope so." I sighed.

He smiled at me, rubbing my hand and soon our food arrived. After we had dinner and got a dessert, Harry paid for the check and we made our way out of the restaurant. When we approached the door, I saw a huge crowd of paparazzi and fans, what made Harry sigh.

„I'll get the car and meet you here. Do not go outside until I get back." He said.

I nodded and Harry left to get the car. A few moments later Harry pulled the car up to the entrance of the restaurant as much as he could. He got out of the car and rushed over to my side. He helped me walk to the car and everyone swarmed in to take pictures.

„Grace! Harry! How far along are you?"

„Harry are you sure the baby is yours?"

„Is it a boy or girl?"

„Why have you kept this a secret?!"

Between the shouting and the flashing camera lights I was starting to feel a bit dizzy. Harry was trying his best to help me over to the car and protect me, my belly, when I felt someone grabbing my arm. I thought it was Harry, but then I realized the grip was way too hard to be his and that I've been pulled in the opposite direction.

„Don't touch me!" I shouted, trying to get my arm free. I ended up hitting the guy in the face as he pushed me what made me fall. Luckily Harry was there and catched me with his strong arms as he realized what was going on.

„What the fuck are you doing?" He shouted over at the guy. „How dare you put your fucking hands on my pregnant wife!" Harry glared at the guy and attempted to make his way over but the guy ran away.

„Harry, let's just get in the car." I quietly said.

He nodded and got me in the car. He shut the door and rushed over to the drivers side. As soon as he got in, he sped away. I rubbed my belly as I looked over at Harry, seeing him gripping the steering wheel.

„Are you alright?" He asked.

„I'm fine. We're both fine." I said. „I'm just a little shook up."

„I can't believe that just happened. I'm so sorry." He said, shaking his head.

„It's not your fault. Please, don't blame yourself." I told him.

„Yes it is! I should have been more prepared. I should have had us go out the back or something. Especially when I saw the crowd out there." He said. „You almost fell, I wouldn't forgive myself if you did."

„But I didn't, because of you, Harry. Youbwere there."

„But still, that shouldn't have happened."

„Harry, I'm fine. I told you that. You didn't grab me, that jerk did." I told him. „It was just one guy in the crowd, you couldn't have known that would happen."

He sighed, reaching over for my hand and saw the brushing of the man's grip on my arm. I saw tears forming in his eyes and I sighed, pulling my hand away. It reminded me instantly of the bruises I got from Jackson a few years ago.

„It's nothing." I said, rubbing over it.

„It's something." He said now angrily. „When I find him..."

„We'll go to the police. You'll do nothing." I said.

„He hurt you! He pushed you, he could have hurt our baby for fuck sake."

„I know, but he didn't. And going after this guy is not worth it." I whispered.

Harry pulled into the driveway and sighed, looking over at me. „I know that." He whispered. „I'm just so angry after what happened." He sighed.

I sighed, looking over at him. „And you have every right to be. Come on, let's go inside and have a nice cup of tea and settle down." I suggested.

„I'm sorry our date night was ruined. That was definitely not what I had in mind." He sighed.

„It's okay. It's not about the plans or what restaurant we eat at. All that matters is that we spend time together." I smiled and leaned over to kiss him on his soft lips. „And that's exactly what we're going to do. Now, come on." I said, getting out of the car.

He sighed, turning off the engine of the car and getting out himself. He shut the car door and followed me inside the house, where we tried to make the best of the rest of the night.

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