Chapter 46

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I was back for 3 days and was already working my ass off again. I spent every second in the boutique, making clothes and finishing orders.
It was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon and I just stood alone in front of my desk with hundreds of different patterns on it, trying to figure out which one I should start with.

„Fuck!" I suddenly realized something. I was leaning over the table with my hands placed on the desk when I saw something on my hand was missing. Harry's engagement ring.

„Shit, shit, shit, where is it??" I asked myself and searched everywhere around the boutique. I searched in my purse, in the bathroom and every other room but didn't find it. I fucking lost it.
Shit, I already got a headache and even a cough, probably a cold. I didn't get much sleep lately and worked my ass off, how could I try to remember where I lost that ring now?

„You're still working?" I heard Harry behind me as he entered the boutique. „You're gonna get sick if you keep overwork yourself. You already have a cold, you should get some sleep."

„It's just a cold Harry, nothing worse, it will go away but I have to confess something to you." I told him.

„What is it?" He asked.

„I'm kinda scared to tell you but I probably lost your engagement ring...I'm so sorry Harry, I remember I left it yesterday next to the sink in the bathroom at home but I thought I put it back on but now I saw I didn't and I don't know where it is, I'm so sorry, I-„

„Stop it, Grace." He laughed. „It's okay, it's probably at home but if it isn't it's also okay, don't worry." He said and placed a kiss on my forehead.

„Wow, you're forehead is hot, are you alright?" He asked.

„Yes, I'm fine, I just have a cold, like I told you."

„Okay. So, I actually came to get you out of here. We're preparing the arena for the show tomorrow night, come with me so you can hang out with the boys and get away from here for a few hours."

„Alright fine, I'll come with you." I said. „I just wanna change in some other clothes than these." I told him.

„Why? What's wrong with the ones you're wearing?"

„Harry, I'm literally wearing sweatpants and one of your hoodies, I can't be seen in clothes like this." I laughed.

„Okay, but hurry up." He said and I already disappeared in the back of the boutique.

Luckily I always had some clothes and a pair of shoes to change in the boutique, so I put on a pair of blue jeans, a black sweatshirt and a pair of black boots.

Luckily I always had some clothes and a pair of shoes to change in the boutique, so I put on a pair of blue jeans, a black sweatshirt and a pair of black boots

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After I changed, I grabbed my purse and closed the boutique so we could leave.

A few minutes later we arrived at the arena and got in.
I greeted the boys and Gemma, who was there too, before Harry grabbed my hand to take me with him.

„Where are we going?" I asked him while walking through the corridors.

„On stage." He smiled at me.

„Why?" I let out a laugh at his expression.

„Just come with me." He told me and I did what he said.
I followed him up the stairs on the empty stage.

„I thought we had to prepare some things for the show tomorrow?" I asked him as we stood in the middle of the stage.

„First, I still have to do something." He said. „But this time I'll do it properly." He smiled at me.
I didn't know what he meant so I just listened to what he had to say.
He placed one of his hands in mine as I realized that the big screen of the stage lit up and a video started playing. I looked at it and saw how it was a compilation of all the photos and videos of our memories. I watched for a few seconds with Harry and smiled at some pictures that reminded me of a few funny and wonderful memories until Harry suddenly held a mic in his hand and started singing. I immediately recognized the song and tears instantly slipped over my cheeks as I heard him sing it so beautifully.
It was our song...You're Still The One by Shania Twain.

„Looks like we made it. Look how far we've come my baby. We mighta took the long way.
We knew we′d get there someday.
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on, we're still together still going strong..." He started and pulled me close to him.
It sounded so beautiful, only his voice in an empty stadium.

„You′re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to, you're still the one I want for life.
You're still the one that I love, the only one I dream of, you′re still the one I kiss good night..." He continued and and my tears fell and fell but I just had to smile at him, at the sight of him smiling at me. I saw how he had tears in his eyes and that made me cry even more.

„I'm so glad we made it, look how far we′ve come my baby..." He finished the song and placed a kiss on my lips as soon as he did.

„When I first saw you, I saw love and the first time you touched me, I felt love...and after all this time, you're still the one I love." He started as his voice cracked at the end. „Right here on this stage is where I first felt, I was falling for you. I love you so much that my heart can't even take all the love I have for you..." He said and got down on one knee. „I don't want us to separate ever again. I want you to be stuck with me...forever. So...will you marry me...again?" He finally finished and took a box out of his pocket and opened it so I could see the ring I was so desperately searching for earlier.

„Of course I will marry you...again." I answered with tears streaming all over my face.
He got up on his feet and I fell in his arms to wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

„So you stole the ring?" I asked, smiling at him.

„I took it yesterday when you left it in the bathroom." He admitted.

„And I thought I was going crazy." I laughed.

„God, I love you so much." He said and picked me up to spin me around the stage.

„I love you, so much." I smiled at him.

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