Chapter 65

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February, 20 weeks
Getting stuff from top shelfs was hard now with that bump. I was at the boutique upstairs, trying to get a fabric from the top shelf so I had to improvise a bit. I got myself a chair so I was taller and could reach the shelf but I was still struggling.

„How is my wife?" I heard Harry's voice calling from downstairs. „Or where is my wife?" He laughed.

„Upstairs." I called back. „I'm doing well, how is my husband?" I smiled as I heard him coming up the stairs.

„Great, I jus-„ He stopped as he came in and looked up to see me jumping around on that chair, still trying to get that fabric.

„What the hell are you doing up there? Come down there." He ran to my side, laying an arm around my waist and taking my hand with the other one. Before I knew it, he lifted me up bridal style and let me down on the floor."

„Hey! I have to get that fabric." I told him, fixing my clothes that got wrinkled.

„Grace, you shouldn't do things like that, it's not safe to stand on a chair like this and you're pregnant, you have to be careful." He told me as he turned to get what I wanted from the shelf.

„I'm sorry, I just- I just thought I could do it and I was alone here and I needed that and- and I'm sorry." My emotions suddenly kicked in again and I felt how I was about to cry any second.

„Oh no, don't cry, sweetheart. It's okay, it's alright." He pressed his lips on mine to stop me from having a meltdown. He knew every time he did that it would work and calm me down. He always did this when I was about to cry or when I was mad about something silly things. It always worked and I didn't know how he did it but I was glad he found a way to calm me down somehow.
I knew it wasn't always easy for him to deal with my hormones and stuff but I loved how he dealt with it and how patient and caring he was.

„Sorry...I don't know what I was thinking." I admitted and he wiped my tears away with his thumb.

„It's alright, honey. Just promise me you won't do it again." He kissed my forehead as he formed a smile.

„I promise." I smiled back.

„Now, I'm free for today, so what do you want to do?" He asked, heading downstairs with me following him.

„Well, my belly is getting bigger now and I need to go shopping for some maternity clothes. I put on some yoga leggings and one of your button up shirts today, because I have nothing else that really fits me now." I told him with a laugh, looking down at myself.

„That's why all my shirts are disappearing lately." He laughed.

„I told you already a week ago that I needed new clothes but we never went shopping so it's kinda your fault I took them." I grinned at him.

„See, now its my fault." He smiled. „So let's go shopping for some new clothes for you. Although, I do have to say you look pretty hot in my clothes." He said.

„I know." I smirked.

He laughed, giving me a kiss as we headed out to finally go shopping.

We got to the first store and started looking around.

„Ooh look at this dress! That would be perfect to wear if you ever took me on a date." I smirked.

„Hey! I take you on dates!" He laughed. „It's just it's been kinda hard with work and now we're getting ready for our little one, but I promise that I'll take you on the most romantic date you have ever been on." He said. „And yes, that dress would look amazing on you."

I giggled, kissing his cheek before getting a few sizes to try and handing them to Harry to hold. I found a few more clothing items to try on before heading over to the fitting room. I grabbed my clothes from Harry and went towards the room. I closed the door, put the clothes on the little hook and started undressing myself. I tried on all the jeans, t-shirts, nicer tops and a few simple dresses first before trying on the gorgeous red dress that I first saw in the store. I was able to zip it up halfway, so I knew that I would need help.
What sort of a designer puts a zipper on a maternity dress anyway. And that just gave me the idea to make maternity clothes myself for another collection.

„Harry?" I called. „I need your assistance."

„Coming love." He said, putting his phone in his pocket and heading to my room. I opened the door and he zipped up the remainder of the zipper.
After that, I turned around and faced him.

„So, what do you think?" I asked him.

„You look amazing." He smiled. „As always."

„You don't think it's too tight?" I asked a little insecure about it. „Or that I look fat?"

„You're not fat, love and this dress shows off your amazing belly that our child is growing in, so it's not too tight, unless you find it uncomfortable." He told me.

„No, it's actually quite comfortable, I just didn't know if it was too much for me to wear." I said.

„Baby, you look beautiful and that dress is perfect on you." He smiled. „If you want to get it, then get it."

„Let me take this off and I'll look through all of the other clothes and then I'll decide." I smiled at him.

„Okay, do you need my help with anything?" He asked.

„Just to unzip this dress." I told him.

He smirked and moved my hair over to unzip the dress. He placed a quick kiss on my cheek before stepping out of the dressing room to let me change.


Harry kept his promise and decided to take me on a date later that night.
I did my hair and makeup and wore the red dress, that I decided to buy earlier. I put on some of my favorite heels, that weren't too tall or uncomfortable for me.

We were in the car and as always, Harry was driving while holding my hand.

„I do have to say that I'm the luckiest man in the world. I have the most amazing and beautiful wife." He said, kissing my hand. „I just know that you're going to be the best mum ever."

„I hope so, but I know, I couldn't imagine anyone else to be my baby's father than you." I smiled, running my hand over my belly. „You know I just thought of something...This is the first time since I'm pregnant, that I've worn something tight, that shows my belly in public. I'm sure everyone will find out now." I said.

„Well, it was going to happen some day, but like I told you, it's your decision." He said. „If you don't want anyone to know yet, it's okay."

„No, no, it's fine. You're right, people are going to know eventually. I was just saying that we might start to get more attention now." I said a bit worried.

„True, but don't worry. I won't let anyone bother us." He said. „Especially you. No one is going to get near you."

„Okay thanks, I'm just a bit worried." I smiled.

We eventually got to the restaurant and Harry helped me out of the car. He took my hand as we both walked inside and got seated at our table. Harry pulled out my chair and I sat down, smiling at him. He was still exact the same as he was on our first date, always a gentleman. I just loved how he didn't change a bit in almost three years.

„Thank you." I smiled.

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