Chapter 76

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June, 32 weeks
Grace sat in front row in the VIP section by herself. I didn't really like to leave her all by herself around a lot of people but I always had an eye on her during the show and I knew security guards were standing on all sides of the stage. And besides, she wasn't really alone, she always had our girl with her.

We were almost at the end of the show and just started singing Midnight Memories. I looked down at Grace to make sure she was okay. She smiled at me and nodded to show me everything was alright. We started singing the chorus when suddenly a loud, earsplitting sound echoed through the arena. It was an indescribable and very, very loud sound that instantly made shivers run down my spine.

The crowd went immediately silent. The music stopped, the band stopped playing and we stopped singing. We all took our ear ins out at the same time to listen to a completely silent arena, filled with more than 50'000 people. It was so surreal and scary at the same time.
We looked at each other, completely confused of what just happened.

„What the fuck was that?" I asked the boys in fear, who had the same scared look on their face as I had.

„What the fuck was that?" I asked the boys in fear, who had the same scared look on their face as I had

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I knew what it was but desperately wanted me to be wrong.

„That...that was a fucking gunshot..." Louis confirmed my thoughts as the second one was fired and we all winced at the sudden, loud noise, instantly getting down on the floor.
My heart sank and I immediately looked for Grace who was still in the crowd. I didn't see her anymore and it made me panic. I looked around the front row but she wasn't standing there anymore and it made me drive crazy. My heart started racing as she was nowhere to see anymore.

We were frozen, standing on stage as security guards came to get us off the stage. They run towards us to grab our arms and get us away. I felt one of them tying to pull me away but I ripped my arm away from him.

„I have to find Grace first." I told him.

„Harry, we have to get out of here!" I heard Niall yelling.

„No, Grace is still somewhere in the crowd, I have to find her now." I exclaimed.

People were running around in the arena like crazy, screaming and trying to get out as fast as possible. They were pushing people around and I saw how the barricade fell, that separated the VIP section of the crowd. It was a mess, the security guards were helpless.

„Grace!" I yelled and ran to the edge of the stage but still couldn't see her.
I knew she was there somewhere, she had to be and I was scared she would get hurt or even worse. What if the shooter would find her and hurt her and my baby?

„Harry, I can't let you stay here, we have no time to find her now, I have to get you off the stage safely." The security guard told me again and tried to push me towards the back of the stage. That was when I lost it.

„Hey! This is my wife we're talking about, my eight months pregnant wife! She is still somewhere out there between those people who could hurt her or already did. So no, I'm not going out of here without her in my arms. She is eight months pregnant with my baby for fuck sake, I have to find her!" I yelled at him, so that people all around the arena could probably hear me. „I don't care what you say, but I'm not going to leave without her. I do not leave my pregnant wife alone! I will go find her now, if it's dangerous or not, I don't care. She is probably scared right now and I can't lose any more time!" I finished and turned to the stairs of the stage that led down to the crowd when I heard the boys behind me.

„We will come with you." Zayn said and I saw the boys walking on stage again.

„Thanks." Was the only thing I could let out. They were the best, always here for me in the worst situations.

We all got down the stage and spread ourselves in the huge crowd to try and find her.

„Grace! Where are you?" I yelled again.

„Where the hell is my wife?!" I shouted as I tried to make my way through the arena, through all those people. „Let me through, my wife is in here!" I yelled as a few other security guards wanted to stop me and get me out.
I freed myself of their grip and continued looking for her. I ran through the whole arena, calling her name and looking for her precious face. I pushed myself through the huge crowd of panicking people but there was no chance. I didn't find her, instead I ran into Louis.

„Louis, could you find her? I can- I can't find her. I'm freaking out!" I told him.

„I'm so sorry, I couldn't find her either and the other boys got out, security got them out." He tried to calm me down as the third shot was fired. „Let's get out of here too, it's getting too dangerous!"

I couldn't even answer, he grabbed my arm and dragged us both out of the arena on the street where all the people gathered and ran around.
Louis brought us to the boys who were waiting together with some of the security guards.

„I lost her, I fucking lost my wife and my baby!" Tears were filling my eyes. „Something must have happened to her, she would be her if it didn't." I nervously walked around in circles.

„No, Harry, stop thinking that." Zayn said, patting my shoulder. „You didn't lose her."

„Zayn, we all searched for her but not one of us could see or find her." I almost cried. „I lost them both, my baby and my wife...I- I don't know what to do, she didn't even answer her phone, something happened to her. Wha- what the hell should I do?!"

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