Chapter 19

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We were finally together and I loved it. It felt so right, like we did this for many years.
He held me tight to his chest and ran his hand through my hair after our kiss that felt like a firework.
„I'm so happy when I'm with you." I told him and smiled at him.

„You can't imagine how happy I am right now and how happy I was when I saw you standing in the crowd, holding up that sign." he said.

„Well, I just wanted it to be something special."

„And it was." he smiled and let go of me so I would stand in front of him. He pulled me close to his chest so that I could hear his calming heartbeat and placed a kiss on my head. I laid my arm around his waist and leaned against him.

„Let's go to the beach." he suddenly said.

„What?" I laughed. „To the beach?" I asked.

„Yeah, to the beach." he smiled at me.

„Now?" I asked again.

„Of course now, let's go." he said.

„Wait, you still have your ear things in and that thing around your waist." I laughed.

„I'll just leave that in my car." He said. „Come on, it's not that far from my house actually."

He took my hand and we ran together to his black Range Rover, where he opened the door for me to get in. He was always such a gentleman and did the same thing again when we arrived at the beach.

„Thank you mister Styles." I smiled at him when he took my hand to get out of the car.

„You're welcome miss Montgomery." he smiled back.
He placed his hand in mine and gave it a kiss before we both headed towards the beach. When we reached the sand, there was a tiny restaurant with the most beautiful view on the ocean.

„I want this night to be our first official date, so I invite you to that restaurant." He then said as we walked towards it. „It's small but it has the best food and it's quite romantic, so I hope you like it."

„Aww, how cute of you. Our first date...I would go everywhere on our first date, as long as I am with you." I told him.

„Even on a bench in a park, eating delicious burgers from a food stand?" He laughed.

„Even on a bench in a park while eating delicious burgers from a food stand." I smiled.

Harry got us a table for two outside of the restaurant, so we would have our privacy. He ordered a bottle of wine for us and the most delicious food I ever ate. We had a delicious dessert and had the most wonderful time together, just the two of us, alone, staring into each others eyes, having fun and just enjoying the time togther.
As the gentleman he is, he paid for everything. We left the restaurant and walked barefoot and hand in hand along the beach with our shoes in our hands.
The water was splashing over our feet and it felt so good, considering of how warm it was.

„Harry?" I asked and stopped to look up at him.


„I have a bit of a crazy idea." I said, smiling at him.

„And what would that crazy idea be?" he asked, clearing a strand of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear while smiling down at me.

„Let's go for a swim." I said.

„You mean?" he asked but I wouldn't let him finish his sentences, let our shoes and other things fall down and pulled him with me into the water.
He followed me by stumbling around, almost falling in the sand but eventually found his balance again and got in the water with me.

„You know, normally you have to wait for a few minutes to go in the water after eating something." he laughed as the water reached to his bird tattoos.
I was a lot shorter than him, so I had to swim to keep my head over the surface.

„Come over here, you're almost drowning there." he said laughing and pulled me close to him.

„Only because you are like three meters tall." I mocked him while I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

„Maybe you're just too short." he laughed and placed his arms around my waist to pull me closer to his chest.

„Hey." I laughed. „You're lucky you're so cute." I told him.
He really was, especially in that moment. His long, wet, curly hair, together with his dimples of his smile, he was the cutest guy I ever saw.

„And you look beautiful Grace, as always."

„Even when I'm totally wet with my clothes stuck tight on my body?" I asked.

„You look always beautiful." he said.

I pulled myself closer to him again, as close as I could be to him and rested my head against his. He instinctively placed his hands on my back and didn't let go of me.

„I love this." I whispered.

„What exactly?" he whispered back.

„Being around you, in your arms, knowing I am safe and just closing my eyes to hear the calming waves around us." I explained as he slowly swayed around with me in his arms.

„It's nice, isn't it?" he asked. „I love it too."

„Mhm, I could stay like this all night." I told him.

I looked back up at him.

„I never felt like this with someone before and somehow, you're giving me the strength I didn't know I needed." I told him, looking straight into his beautiful eyes while he listened carefully. „The past two years were so hard for me and I thought I had lost everything in my life besides my work. It's like I was slowly drowning but then you came in my life and tried to carefully pull me up again and you did it and are still doing it."

„You're so sweet." he said. „You deserve being happy in your life and enjoy it. You deserve the world."

„I just hope you will never let go of me, because I don't want to fall back down and drown again." I told him with a little smile on my face.

„I will never let go of you, I promise." he said and placed his lips on mine.

„As long as I want this to last tonight, I think we should get out of the water, it's late." he whispered.

„Yeah, we probably should." I laughed.

He carried me the whole way out of the water until we reached the beach again.

„And how the fuck are we going to dry ourselves up?" I laughed. „I don't wanna ruin your car."

„Don't worry about the car, I have leather seats, nothing will happen." he said.

„If you say so." I smiled.

So completely wet, we put our shoes back on and walked back to his car.

„It feels weird, sitting here with completely wet clothes." He said when we were on our way home.

„It does." I laughed.

We drove for a few minutes and I hardly had to try stopping my eyes from closing and falling asleep.

„Are you tired?" He smiled at me before looking back on the road.

„Uhm, no, maybe a little." I lied.

„Oh please, you're half asleep." he said and pulled up in a driveway I didn't recognize.

„Where are we?" I asked him.

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