Chapter 99

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My heart was racing in my chest and I stared at the door, desperately hoping someone would finally tell me if my husband was okay.
I walked in circles around the room, when I suddenly heard someone call me and I immediately looked up to the door.

„Mrs. Styles?" Doctor Jones came in.

„Yes, is he okay? How did it go?" I asked him with wide eyes.

„It went perfectly well." He smiled at me and I exhaled out of relief. „To fix his ACL, we had to drill bone tunnels into his tibia and femur to remove the torn ligament and then place the ACL graft in about the same position." He explained.

„That sounds horrible." I let out at the thought.

„Believe me, the procedure went perfectly well. We fixed everything and the only thing he has to do now, is recover."

„How long does it take for it to heal until he can walk normally again?" I asked him.

„He needs crutches for around 2-4 weeks and he can slowly try to strain it but he has to be very careful with that. Of course he needs physical therapy again and after 10-12 weeks he can do things like brisk walking or light jogging. Full recovery after an ACL surgery can be 6-12 months or more. He will be limping a lot and he surely needs time to recover and for the knee to heal completely." He explained. „If he has the strength, he can start working again in two weeks, he just has to take care of the knee and take it easy and not do anything that could harm the knee again. But I'm sure it will heal pretty quick since he could already walk two weeks after the first surgery. And he is young and fit, so it shouldn't be a problem for it to heal."

„Alright, got it. Thank you doctor. Thank you so much."

„I'm glad I could help." He smiled. „The nurses will bring your husband in shortly. He will be asleep for at least another hour but that is totally normal."

After I thanked him again, he left the room and just as he left, the nurses pushed Harry's bed in with him lying in it.
They plugged in some of the wires and left the room.
I turned around to see him lying in bed and walked towards it to stand next to him. Harry was completely knocked out. His head rested on a soft pillow and his hair was still up in a bun. His leg was elevated on a few cushions, it was heavily bandaged and had a knee brace around the whole leg, just like he had after his first surgery.

I felt so bad, seeing him like that.
I took the hair tie out of his hair to make it fall down on his shoulders and brushed my fingers through his soft, chocolate curls.

I took the hair tie out of his hair to make it fall down on his shoulders and brushed my fingers through his soft, chocolate curls

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I looked at his cute but at the same time pale face and gently kissed his cheek. I sat down on a chair as close to him as I could and grabbed his cold hand to place it in mine. I leaned over his bed and rested my head on his stomach, my other hand softly rubbing his chest.
I think I fell asleep for a few minutes, because I was woken up again by the vibration of my phone. I glanced over at Harry who was still sleeping, even though more than half an hour passed since they brought him back.
It was just an Instagram notification, so I turned my phone off and put it away.

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