Chapter 9

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„The thing that scares me the most." he continued. „Is that I will never find true love." His eyes turned back to mine and I could see the truth in them.

„I'm scared that people will only be interested in me because I'm Harry Styles from One Direction. I'm scared that they won't love me for me, for who I am, but because I'm famous."

„Oh, Harry." I whispered. I saw he was hurt and he got hurt before by someone. He looked concerned and I wanted to throw my arms around him to comfort him but I didn't.

„I know, it seems pathetic but it really does scare me that I'll never get to find someone who truly loves me because all they see is the fame and the money but that's not who I am, well it's a bit but now all I am."

„I know that's not who you are, Harry. You're different and I realized that from the second I met you yesterday." I told him.

He took a deep breath.

„I worry I will fall in love with someone who says she loves me too but it won't be me she actually loves, it's the attention I get and the famous friends I have and the money in my bank account...I would be heartbroken and that scares me more than anything. I'm scared to fall in love and I'm scared that I won't be loved back by someone who truly loves me."

The look on his face was heartbreaking.

„I know I'm still very young but one day I want to find the love I write songs about."

„Oh Harry, don't be silly, of course someone will love you for you, you're so lovable and I know you will find that person."

He really was lovable. I spent the whole afternoon with him and I could see how fast it wold be to truly love Harry Styles. From the things I had seen from him since I met him, he was a lovely guy and I was pretty sure I could truly fall for him...for the real Harry, not for the famous Harry...

But I understood his fears..

„It is scary but I get it." I told him. „There will be a lot of girls that are attracted to you because you are the famous Harry Styles..." I began and took a deep breath. „But the thing is, there are also those girls who will be attracted to you because of you, the Harry Styles from Cheshire who has gorgeous eyes and lovely curly hair that smells like apple. You are kind, sweet and funny. You're thoughtful and friendly and you care about people...That's what people will fall in love with. Once they get to know the real Harry, that's who the will love."

I looked at him and instead of seeing the famous Harry Styles, I saw a young guy that shared the same insecurities as everyone else.

„Yesterday I met you as the young guy that I accidentally bumped into. I didn't know who you were until you took your sunglasses off in my boutique. I got to know you as you, a kind guy that didn't want to bother me even though I hurt you."

Harry was staring at me with glassy eyes. I was lost in his gaze for a moment. I felt how hard my heart was beating against my ribs.

„Wow.." He said.


„I've only talked about how I feel with a few other people and nobody has ever been as honest with me as you just were. I love the way you're not afraid to say what you really think." He told me.

„Sorry, the truth is, normally I'm not like this."

„Don't be sorry love, I needed to hear that...thanks."

I smiled at him.

„Grace, how old are you?"

„I'm 20, why?" I asked.

„How did you get to be so wise for being so young?" he asked.

I shrugged.

„My grandmother always taught me these kind of things."

„Well she was right and you're get me so well. It's like you know me."

He sat there looking deep into my eyes. It was like he was trying to look right into me.

„What's the thing that scares you the most?" Harry suddenly asked.

„Oh, uhm I'm a bit scared to tell you this." I told him. „It's kind of a long and personal story..."

„You can trust me Grace." He smiled and took my hand to give it a squeeze.

„Alright...The thing that scares me the most is..."

„Excuse me Mr Styles, but we're about to open the gates." A man interrupted. „You might want to get backstage."

„Oh yeah, of course. Thank you." Harry said politely.

„Come on Grace." He stood up. „The show starts soon and we need to get out of sight before I induce mass hysteria."

We walked back on the stage towards an opening in the back. Before we got off stage, Harry stopped and turned to me.

„Before we go, there's something we need to do." he said.

„What?" I asked.

„Everyone I meet wants one thing from me and you haven't asked for it, so this time I wanna ask you this question." he said.

„What is it?" I asked again.

„Can we take a picture together?" he asked smiling at me.

„I'd love to." I smiled back.

„Oh but it will have to be on your phone, mine is backstage."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, tapped on the camera symbol and handed it to Harry. „You do it, you have longer arms." I told him.

He turned us around so that the stadium was behind us and slid an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him. „Smile." He said, leaning his head against mine. I did what I was told and he took several pictures, including a couple of him kissing my cheek. I loved the feeling of his lips against my skin and once again, he made it so so hard for me not to fall for him.

„By the way, is it okay if I put my number in your phone?" he asked.

„Sure." I said trying to hide my smile.

I handed him over my phone so he could put his number in it.

„Oh and can you send these to me? This way I get your number too." he said.

„Of course." I said and immediately sent him the pictures, that's when I saw what name he typed into my phone together with his number.

„H❤️" I whispered and had to smile at that.

„Hmm?" Harry asked.

„Oh nothing." I said and followed him out the back of the stage down some stairs and through another corridor to the room we were earlier.

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