You Use Your Words as a Weapon, but Your Words Don't Hurt if You Have No Fear

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I sat in Harry's room for about ten minutes before he barged in.

"Skilar? What's wrong?" He sat next to me.

"Nothing, I'm just upset, there is a lot going on right now and I think..." I trailed off.

"What?" He looked at me confused.

"Is your mother still here?"

"Uh, no she went home. Ski, what's wrong?" He persisted.

"Okay, well I think that I should move to my own place and that we shouldn't see each other anymore."

Harry's Pov

I stared at Skilar with a shocked expression. Did she reallly just say that or am I hallucinating?


"Listen, Harry, I have enough savings from my old job and what my parents left me, so I can buy myself a house. Also uh before I buy a house, I got accepted into this really amazing college, so I can stay in a dorm until then... with me going to college I wouldn't be able to see you anyways." She sighed.

Many thoughts were going through my head, I got up and punched the wall in frustration.

"Harry!" She gasped

"How could you do this to me!"

"Do what? Get my life back on track!" I could tell she was getting angry herself.

"I'm fine with that but, you are completely leaving me... I'm not going to be able to talk to you or see you?"

"Harry it's for the best and you know that!" She stood up.

"The best for you! While I'm here alone and upset, you'll be going off and partying with your friends... being happy!"

"Don't start this Harry." She stormed out of the room with me trailing behind her.

"I cared for you Skilar. I was the one who took you in. I accepted your differences, I maybe even loved you."

Skilar stopped at the top of the stairs and slowly turned around. I looked her straight in the eye, it was true I did love her.

Skilar's Pov

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and my breathing quicken.

"You what Harry?"

"I love you Skilar, I love you so much."

I was speechless, what am I supposed to say. my inner conciseness was yelling at me to say it back but, as usual I fought against the idea.

"No you don't. No, Harry if you loved me you would have told me everything... so you don't love me, don't say that." I whispered.

"Are you serious? I confess my feelings and you try to deny MY feelings. Maybe I don't love you, Skilar. Maybe the reason I took you in is because you looked like some pathetic stray puppy that needed care but really your just a cold hearted snake. So I don't care if you leave in fact I'd be glad if you left." He spat.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. How could he say that? I ran to the door and rushed out with tears streaming down my face. I ran all the way to the street in which my sister lived. I rushed up to her door step and banged on the door. When she opened the door her annoyed look softened.


I threw my arms around her and sobbed. She carefully put her arms back around me. I pulled away and looked at her.

"Lets talk about this inside."

A/N-Hey guys, I'm baaaaacckkkk! Wow its been forever, I have so much going on with school that it's really hard to keep track of this. Oh, well, I'm going to try to update every weekend (if time permits), from now on. Okay well, thats all enjoyyyyyyy!!!! ~


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