All your noise is messing with my head

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The song for the title is Outta My Head by Ashlee Simpson (watch the video and read it will make sense then)

I woke up hearing a beeping sound... i opened my eyes and bright lights blinded me for a few seconds. I looked around the room at all of the equipment, i was obviously in a hospital room.

  I heard murmuring next to me. I looked next to me and i see Beatrice and some unknown man next to her. They were talking about groceries or something like that. Bee looked towards me and smiled.

" Skilar! How are you feeling?"

"Fine, as always."

"Thats good." She looked towards the man next to her.

" This is my brother, Max." She introduced.

I waved and Max smiled back at me.

" Beatrice i am going to go grab us some food."

" Your not getting hospital food are you!" I grab his arm, tight.

"Uh, no im getting McDonalds..." He says awkwardly.

I nod and let go of his arm. Max leaves the room and Beatrice watches the door closes, smiling.

"What are you thinking about, Bee?"

"Nothing, really."

"Oh, you live with your brother?"

She nods and sighs, " It was either that or him going to the asylum."

I gasp, " What! I mean could you tell me about it."

"Well, i am older than him suprisingly... i was 18, i lived with my parents still, he was 16. He started talking to nothing, but air. Literally he had full on conversations with nothing. My parents started to think he was crazy. They tried to talk to him about it, but he said he was fine and after the fifth time asking him, they left him alone... They left him alone, until it started to affect his school life. Now, my brother was like really popular... really popular! Once he started to talk to himself people didn't bully him right away, they were concerned something was going on at home, like abuse. He wouldn't talk to anyone about it, he wouldn't talk to them at all, just to the air. He would say things like 'I wish they would just leave me alone', 'They wouldn't understand if I told them', and 'They don't know about people like me'. To say the least it scared me, he started coming home with bruises, but it was like he didn't even notice that they were there, they didn't bother him. One night when my brother was asleep and I was studying for my college exam, I heard my parents talking on the phone to someone. They were talking about my brother and saying how he was crazy. I knew he wasn't, he couldn't be, there was just something he wouldn't tell anyone," She stopped for a moment thinking, " I snuck up to his room and and saw dim lights shining under his door, I opened the door a slight crack, just enough to see through. He was laughing and had candles lit up around his room. He was saying, 'I'm glad you came back for me. I really missed you.' I started to realize what was happening and it seems really crazy..."

"I'm sure it isn't" I reasurred.

"Oh, it is. Okay, let me fill you in on a little back story. So, Max was dating this beautiful girl a couple years before that happened. She was super sweet and the two were totally in love, in fact they had marriage plans for their future, crazy right? Anyways, almost a year after they got together she got into a car accident, and it was fatal," BeeBee sighed, "Max was devastated, he thought about commiting suicide once or twice, but he never did it. Well, he was talking to her spirit all this time, or maybe it was a figment of his imagination, I never knew. Well, my parents tried to send him to and insane asylum because they couldn't handle him. I was not going through with that so, I went to court and I won custody of my brother, until he was 18. I had to and I to deal with him talking all the time and sometimes I would even 'talk' to her. It was worth it."

"Oh my gosh, that is such a beautiful story, that's wonderful it truly is." I smile warmly. 

"Yea... Oh! I forgot to tell you Harry dropped by to see you earlier." 

I was about to say something, but the doctor walked in looking somewhat pleased.

"Ah, Skilar, I am glad you are awake, I have some good news. So, we looked through your records and saw that you have amnesia, and we looked at how it progressed over the years and you already know that there was never any change. Well, recently for some odd reason, we can't explain, you have regaind one eighth of you memory back." She smiled warmly.

"Oh my! Really! That's the best news I have heard all week."

"Yes and now that some of your memory is back the rest of your memory will come back regulary, and the blackouts will happen more frequently, unfortunately." She  stared at me.

"It's worth it." I spoke and smiled. 

As the doctor left Max walked in with MD's in his hand, but behind him was that heavenly head of curly brown hair. Harry walked around Max and embraced me.

"Uh, I think we are gonna step out..." Bee spoke.

I was so happy to see him, it feels like its been forever.

"Harry, im sorry." I whisper

He pulls back, "Don't be i shouldn't have forced you to have dinner with my mother."

I laugh and nod... I go to the bathroom and get dressed after that i thank Beatrice and her brother and Harry and i leave.

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