Got a feeling we're meeting for the first time

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a/n hey the song from the title is for the first time by the script keep reading to find out why!

Skilars pov

Why was Harry so nervous asking me out? Oh well, at least I'm going on a date with him. I didn't leave Harry's room fast enough because I now have a missed call. I quickly pressed the call back button, because Beatrice called me.

The phone rang and rang until a guy answered,"Hello?"

"Oh hi, this is Skilar, is Beatrice there?" I ask unsure.

"Yea, hold on."

I waited until I heard a softer voice speak, " Skilar?"

"Beebee?" I smiled


"What's up?" I asked.

"Why do you even care! You didn't care for years!" She spoke up

"That's why I wanted to talk to you..."

"I don't know... I don't think I want to." She slowly answered.

"Oh ok, I understand." I said disappointed.

"But if we were to meet it would have to be tomorrow at 12..."

"Ok! Where?" I asked with hopes regained.

"if you were ever reply my friend you'd know." She hung up

I sighed throwing my phone onto the couch and then sitting right next to it. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. I decided to watch Spongebob since it was the only good show on.

I can't think about where she wanted to meet. Gah!!! My day was going great until people happened.

I turn off the tv and walk into the kitchen to get something to eat. Harry was at the sink washing the few dishes he had to wash. I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder... which actually surprised myself.

" Hey..." I said.

"Hi." He sighed.

"What's wrong?" I slid my hands back a bit.

"Nothing I'm just... not excited to do these." He laughed.

"Oh, well go I'll do 'em." I started to pick up dishes.

"How about together?"

Something about this made me feel less lonely. For the first time in a long time I felt as if I finally had a place where I could belong. I quickly shook the feeling and smiled at Harry.

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