Having No Regrets is all that She Really Wants

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This song is by One direction... Night Changes

It's been one week without Harry and it honestly doesn't feel real. It's so hard but I'm trying to be strong for his mother and Dylan, especially at the funeral. As Harry's mother sits across from me and explains about Dylan, I'm spacing out wishing that I could forget every time with Harry, good and bad. Maybe then nothing would hurt this much... he would just be another face on the news.

I just bought a car, I took over Harry's house, and I got a membership to a day care for Dylan. As I got in my car and made sure Dylan was secure in his booster seat and I drove back to my house. 

"Mommy, can I have ice cream, please." Dylan asked.

I smile down at him, "Sure sweetheart, cone or bowl."

He giggles,"Cone please!" 

He jumps up and down as I make it, "Okay you eat this and then go up for a nap." 

He nods and sits at the table. I make my way into the living room, to pick up Dylan's toys and I find one of Harry's jackets on the couch. I pick it up and breathe in the smell. It still smells exactly like him. I walk upstairs and go to put it away in a box when something falls out of it. I pick it up and look at it. It was a tiny black box... I carefully open it and there is a beautiful ring on the inside. 

Tears cloud my eyes, as I look into his pockets for anything else... There was a tiny note. 

It read: 

Dear Skilar,

This has been the most difficult time, trying to write this. But, I love you, and I've never loved anyone as much as I have you. You are beautiful, smart, funny, and I don't know what I would do without you... Probably die. Anyways, I love you and so I hope you accept this ring... Will you marry me.

It was a speech? He was practicing his proposal. The tears flowed down my face and I didnt want to stop them. 

By Harry dying I somehow got my memory back, I didn't want to face this reality, but it was true. Harry gave his life for me. I have all my memories back of my childhood and that is all I have ever wanted. My whole life that was my one wish. Now I understand why they say be careful what you wish for, because getting my memory back

Just wasn't worth it

A/N- Hey everyone, I'm super upset that this is over because well I made it all depressing... Oh well I hope you guys enjoyed it. I am now going to finish my last book Not Your Average Bad Boy... so go check out! See ya


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