It's so Hard to Say Goodbye

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The song form this title is It's so hard to say goodbye by boys to men

Harry pov (A few hours before Klara's labor) 

I can't believe Skilar! How could she do this to me! I cared for her when no one else would, I brought her in and loved her. These thoughts raced through my head as a drank every drop of alcohol my wallet would allow me to pay for. I was beyond drunk, I had no control of my actions, so I got into my car and I tried driving to the only place I wanted to be at this moment... my secret place.

I drank the last of my drink and everything went blurry. I found myself driving closer and closer to a tree and for some reason everything was calm. I wasn't worried I was going to crash, I was just calm.  

I soon hit the large tree and my car went flying. It flipped all the way down to a creek and everything went dark. 

3rd person present time

Everything was peaceful for Harry, and no one found him until about an hour later. He didn't hear the sirens, or the cries of his mother.  Klara was on her way to have a baby, while Skilar was panicking about Harry. Skilar never meant for this to happen, she didn't think that he would handle the break up this badly. She knew he would have had to been drunk. 

SKilar heard the hospital doors open and nurses run to it. She turned and saw a broken Harry on the stretcher.  She quickly ran to his mother

"Is he going to be okay?" Skilar asked.

"They don't know, and I'm praying to god that he will be okay."

Skilar put her arm around Harry's mother's back and rubbed it, "It'll all be okay."

Skilar caught up with the stretcher and walked into a room. She tried walking up to Harry, but a nurse asked her to leave. 

SKilar pov

I walked out of the room and started pacing. This is all my fault I did this to him, I'm such a bad person. I wish I could take back everything I said and did... I do love him and I don't want anything to happen to him.  Dylan needs him, I need him. 

The next morning

The doctors told Harry's mother that she could see him, but he was in a coma and I was waiting for my turn to see him. In the mean time I went to see Klara's baby that she had in the middle of the night. It was a girl and she named it Everleigh. She was so adorable, but even a newborn wouldn't lift my spirits. 

I walked back to Harry's room to find him still unconscious. I sat around for a bit, until I found myself talking.

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry. I'm such a terrible person and I wish you were awake right now because I have so much to tell you. I think you are the kindest person on this whole planet, and I can never show how much I really care for you." I took a pause because his finger moved in my hand.

"Harry, I love you, I love you so much." I started crying, "You have no idea how much I really do, and I should have never denied your own feelings for me because I feel the same way about you." 

Harry would move in the slightest ways making me think that he was trying to wake up and escape the darkness. He was fighting! But, what happened next I will never forget. Harry's body stopped moving and the monitor went dead as did Harry.  I didn't have anytime to cry though because images were flashing through my mind, I didn't even pass out as they flooded over my eyes all at once. They were all before I lost my memory, after everything happened I passed out cold. 

I woke up in a hospital bed with no recollection of what happened prior. A nurse was folding clothing beside me.

"Um excuse me, ma'am uh, what's going on?" I asked

"Oh you're awake, hun. Do you mind telling me your name." 

"Skilar Cassandra James... where is Harry I need to see him." I started getting frustrated.

The nurse looked down, "Skilar, Harry passed last night." 

Everything slowed down as I remembered what happened... but for some reason I couldn't cry. I just nodded, "Oh right I forgot."

"On the bright side, we looked through your records and found that you had long term amnesia... well, thats all gone. All your memories just came back... at... the... same time Harry died." She smiled sadly and left the room.

I got up and got dressed. I walked into the hallway and saw Harry's mother sitting in the chair sobbing.

"It's going to be okay, he's in a better place now, Mrs. Styles." I said and sat down next to her.

She cried into me and said, "I don't know how I'm gonna take care of Dylan, I can't believe I lost my son... my only son. I loved him so much!" 

I realized I had to be strong for Mrs. Styles, " I know its gonna be hard... but I've been thinking. How about I adopt Dylan. Harry had plans to take him anyways... I know it would be good for Dylan and you..."

The woman looked up at me in shock, " But, you were gonna go to school I couldn't do that to you." 

"It's okay, really I want to do this, please. I can get daycare... and I'm sure you might want to see him sometimes. I think that Harry would have wanted this." 

Mrs. Styles nodded, "Okay, we can get together sometime next week and you can sign the adoption papers, but you can take him home today. He's in the room with your sister."

I looked into Harry's hospital room before I left to go get Dylan. I whispered, "I will always love you, Goodbye."


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