To cold outside for angels to fly

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A/n- the song from the title is A Team by Ed Sheeran. Keep reading to find out why: )

I spent an hour with Gregg and now I'm riding home. There was an alley way that I could use for short cuts, but it was long and creepy, but I went down it anyways. 

"God I'm freezing." I whispered to myself. It was my stupidity to not bring a jacket in the middle of autumn.

Someone grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. My skateboard went flying into a trashcan and I tried to scream he put his hand over my mouth.

"Now let’s get to the point, I'm going to take you and your not going to kick or scream understands?" I didn't answer him and he slammed me against the wall harder.

Harry's pov

I was just walking down a random neighborhood because I had time to spare. I come up to this creepy alley and I think I hear a muffled scream. 

I look from the side and I see a girl get chloroformed. I should probably do something.

"Hey leave her alone!!" I walk over to the guy and see I have a height advantage.

"Yea pretty boy what the hell are ya gon' to do about it?" I smirked

"I don't know here's an idea." I gave him a huge blow which I'm pretty sure broke his jaw.

He let go of the girl and she dropped to the floor. I picked her up and grabbed what looked like her skateboard.  I ran to my car and buckled her up in the backseat and drove her to my flat.


I opened the door to my flat and quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom and lay the girl down.  I then went down stairs and debated whether or not to call ambulance. I should probably wait till she wakes up.

I then heard a scream and I slowly walk upstairs. I turned the corner and looked into my room. I walked in and saw her curled up in a ball, in the corner.   She whimpered quietly and shook once she noticed.

“It’s ok.”  I approached her slowly and crouched down to her.

She tried to move back but the wall blocked her.

Skilar’s pov (2 minutes ago)

I wake up with a headache and look around the room. This isn’t my room; all of a sudden I remembered what happened. This must be that man’s house. I started hyperventilating, I screamed so loud I’m positive everyone on the block heard me.  I heard a creak on the stairs so I sat in a dark corner hoping the man wouldn’t see me. Of course I’m not the smartest person ever; it probably would’ve been a good idea to get in the closet.

I see someone turn the corner but I don’t get a good glimpse of him before I hid my face in my knees.

I heard quiet footsteps before he spoke up. “It’s ok.” Yea ok, it’s perfectly fine to kidnap someone.

He got closer so I tried to go back but the wall blocked me. I built up the courage to look up and didn’t see the guy who cornered me in the alley way.  This man looked much younger and his face softer; more sympathetic. 

“What’s your name sweetheart?” I looked at his eyes and marveled at how beautiful they were. They were a wonderful emerald green. I thought if I kept staring at them I might get lost. And I just wanted to feel those luscious brown curls.

“Skilar.” I whispered.

He held out a hand for me but I hesitated. “My names Harry let me help you up.” 

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I stumbled into him and he fell backwards onto the floor. I quickly scrambled up on my feet and Harry chuckled.

“We should probably get you home.” Harry got up and walked downstairs so I followed him downstairs.

“You live by yourself?”  I looked around the room and it was ok for a boy. There was a guitar in the corner. I always tried to learn to play but I never stuck with it.

“Yea, I am twenty-one you know. How old are you?”  He grabbed his jacket and my skateboard and unlocked the door.

“My skateboard! May I please have it back?” He turned and handed it to me.

“There you are, and you never answered my question. How old are you?”  He looked at me with those innocent eyes and that amazing smile.

“Nineteen, “He nodded and he let me outside.  

He handed me one of his jackets because it was so cold and I wrapped it around me.

He led me to his car and opened the door for me. We drove down the street and I realized he needed to know where my home was.

“Uh, I live on Passenger Road.” I looked at him and he nodded. 

“I’m very familiar with that road, though I’ve never seen you outside or anything.” He took a quick glance at me and caught me staring at him so I quickly looked out the window.

“I’m never home. I always hang out with my best friend Gregg.” I looked down at my skateboard and smiled.

“You skate?” He asked me.

“Yup, ever since I was ten.” He looked at me and I could see his green eyes sparkle.

“This house right?”

I looked out the window to my house and wondered how he knew where I lived.

“Yes, uh, this is the house,” I opened the car door and then grabbed my skate board. “How do you know where I live, Harry?”

Harry smirked then sped off down the dirt road. Leaving me in the dust, literally.

A/N- Hi! So the next update will be on November16 bc I have a talent show coming up and I have to practice. Also I have stupid drama club! urgh I have practices 4 that alot too so im really busy. I will try to be on time though, the date.may vary so keep checking. Alright other than that please read guys. I don't want a pity party but it would be great and I want to know that my books are good so I know if I should stop and delete or continue. Ok I think that is it so bye!!!~ Lots of love, Ande

A/N 11/13- My next upadate for this will be the 9th of December bc I have to other book ok bye bye~ lots of love, Ande

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