I need you now

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The song is need you now by lady antebellum.

Harry's Pov

I looked over at Skilar as she was staring out the window, thinking hard.

"Skilar what's up?" I ask curiously.

"Oh nothing, well, i was just thinking about Klara and Gregg. Wonder how they are doing." She said not moving her gaze from the window.


"Yea, do you think I should see them, I kind of miss her." She looked towards me for an answer.

I shrug, "I mean its really just up to you."

"Okay I'll go tomorrow then." She looked towards the window again.

As i pulled into my driveway, I stopped the car, but didn't get out.

"Something else is bothering you."

Skilar didnt answer she just stared out the window.

"Skilar, please." I grab her hand.

"Harry, its nothing!" She got out of the car and slammed the door closed.

She walked up to the door and waited for me to unlock it.

"Skilar you know I won't stop bothering you about this."

"Its none of your business." She snapped.

I sighed and opened the door. She stormed up stairs and closed the door.

Skilar's Pov.

What the hell is wrong with me, I can't see Klara, they will slam the door on my face. I'm curious about that girl that died i feel like I knew her from somewhere. I have to go ask Beatrice about it. I should also stop at the store and buy me some lady supplies, it is that time.

I walk down stairs and tell Harry I'm going to Bee's and the store. I also hug him and apologize for my attitude.


I arrive at Beatrice's house and knock on the door. Her brother answers.

"Hi." I say quietly.

" Oh hey Skilar, Bee! Your friend is here." He calls towards the upstairs.

He motions for me to come in. I look around the house, it is really nice. I see Bee race down the stairs and smile at me.

"Hey, whats up, Skilar." She walked towards me.

"Can I talk to you... its kind of important." I say quietly.

She nods and leads me upstairs. Once we are in her room which is filled with posters and band equipment.

"You know how you told me about that thing about your brother, well what was that girls name."

"Uh, um, it was Grace." She said nervously.

"Last name."

"I can't tell you." She turned away from me.

" Please I need to know." I pleaded.

" Okay, but you can't be mad at me. Her name is....is... Grace Jameson, Grace was your little sister. You wouldn't remember, but your mother got pregnant and had a baby, but gave her to your aunt."

I nodded and left her home... i couldnt cry in front of her right now all I need is Harry.

I got to his house and he opened the door.

"Hey Skilar-"

I cut him off by hugging him and crying.

Harry's pov

As Skilar threw her arms around me i knew something was wrong.

"My sister...." She whispered.

I carried her over to the couch and set her down. She looked up at me and started bawling again.

"Skilar, what happened to Klara?" I grabbed her hand.

"Not Klara, I had another sister, named Grace... I never knew about her... my mother gave her to my childless aunt, and now she is dead. I didnt even know about her death!" She yelled in tears.

"Grace..." I whisper.

She looks up at me and wipes her tears away, "Huh?"

"How did you find out about her?" I looked down.

"What, did you know her." Skilar shifted in the seat.

" Yes, how did you find out about her... Who told you! Did they say anything else?" I snapped my head towards her.

She shook her head no with a fearful and curious look. I got up and stormed to the kitchen. I was so angry that i knocked a glass vase over. Skilar came running in.

" Harry! What. Is. Your. Problem." She asked frustrated.

Skilar's Pov

I was so confused why is he acting liking this.

"Nothing just leave me alone!" He yelled gripping the counter, his knuckles white.

"Harry, please, I can't help you if you don't let me know whats going." My voice softened.

"I dont need you to know Skilar!"

I grab his hand and smiled, " What if I wanted to know Harry, would you tell me then?"

"No... Leave me alone!" He pushed me away.

"Harry, I swear, you need to tell me!" I screamed this time.

"FINE! Fine, you really want to know my bestfriend got her Grace, a close friend, pregnant and when she died he gave the kid to me. Max got your sister pregenant."

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