I'm Sorry About All The Things I Said to You

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The song for this chapter is called I'm Sorry by Buckcherry read to find out why

After a long drive we met his mother at a surely expensive restaurant called "Nourriture Exquise"


"It means exquisite food, obviously," Harry's mother snootily said, "Harold you are lucky I am taking it easy on you and not scolding for being almost a minute late."  (A/N- I don't actually know if this means exquisite food, I got it off of Google translate in the interest of time c:)

  Harry sighed and grabbed his mother's arm and led her inside leaving me alone. I walked inside and stopped, this place was so big and fancy! I caught up with Harry and his mother realizing they were being escorted to a table. Harry pulled out seat for his mother and I just sat down. Harry's mom scowled at me. 

A waiter came over to us and asked what we would like to drink.

Since I couldnt read the menu I asked, "May I please just have some water?" 

The waiter frowned and replied, "We do not provide water, it is too inexpensive."

"Get her the tea." Harry's mother sighed.

The waiter nodded. That is rediculous, they don't have water! The waiter came back and asked what we would like to eat. Of course Harry and his mother ordered something in French... I was lost.

I looked for something that seemed okay, ugh I wish we went to an Italian resteraunt

"I guess I'll just get this... uh, andouillette" I sighed.

"Skilar are you sure you want that?" Harry asked.

Now I wasn't sure... I had to be confident in front of his mom.

"Of course, why not." I shrugged.

Harry sighed and ordered for us... he was cute when he spoke french, I have to admit.

Once our food got here I looked at it in disgust, what the hell did I order!?! I quickly pulled out my phone and looked up the dish... ugh! It was like intestine sausage or something! 

"Skilar aren't you going to eat?" Harry's mother asked. 

"Uh.... uh... well..... uh-" 


"Yea of course."

"Then eat." she said

I took a tiny bit of the sausage and the smell waved up to my nose *gag* I gulped before I took a bite. I chewed and tried to hold my throw up back. I forced myself to swallow....... I smiled the best I could. 

I texted Beatrice as fast as I could.

To Bee- Sos... gross food!!!!!

I looked up and Harry and his mother were talking in hushed voices. 

"I don't like Brynn, Harry. She seems like that anorexic, full of her self type." The mother said.

"Mom... come on."

I had enough! "Okay!!! Listen here's the truth-" 

"Bryyyynnn please, not now." Harry whined.

I stood up from my seat, making a scene," No! Mrs, My real name is Skilar... Skilar Cassandra Jameson. Harry broke up with Brynn when I met him. In those few weeks I fell in love with Harry... now I'm not so sure, I don't know if he was just using me for this.... It doesn't matter anyways, all you need to know is that this is the truth." 

"Harry! in all my years I would have thought you would be honest with me. I suppose I was wrong." 

I grabbed my phone and stormed out of the resteraunt. I called Beatrice and there was no answer. I called a taxi to take me back to well somewhere. 

"Skilar! Skilar wait!" Harry called. 

I turned and he was standing right behind me.

"Skilar, I know it was wromg of me to betray you like that. I just wanted to please my mom... she can be, you know."

"Harry, I know your sorry." My cab pulled up," but I just need to be alone for a bit, okay?" 

He nodded and I got into the cab off to anywhere.

AN- Hey guys I am so sorry its been this long... Im just feeling so lazy about this... as an apology I will try to update another chapter and I might even throw in a chapter on my "On Hold" Book okay thats all for now BBBBBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE! -Ande

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